PacBio is a global leader in DNA and RNA sequencing, providing a highly accurate and comprehensive view of human genomics.
Advancing human genomics with nanopore sequencing Learn how researchers are utilising nanopore sequencing to characterise all forms of human genomic variation, from repeat regions, SVs, and phasing to full-length transcript isoforms and methylation — delivering a comprehensive understanding of the human ge...
近五年的Human Genomics影响因子变化不太稳定,2019年JCR新公布的影响因子为3.351,较2018年增长了0.807。 图3 2015-2019五年间Human Genomics影响因子的变化(来源:Web of Science) 根据Web of Science 显示,Human Genomics的2019年JCR分区为Q2-GENEICS&HEREDITY(遗传学&遗传),分区内排名69/177。 中科院大类分区为:...
今天为大家介绍的是英国医学类期刊Human Genomics,由国际出版商BMC集团出版,每年发行1期,主编为耶鲁大学的Vasilis Vasiliou教授。Human Genomics是一份同行评审的开放性期刊,重点关注基因组分析在人类健康和疾病各个方面的应用,以及药物疗效和安全性的基因组分析和比较基因组学。 期刊ISSN:1473-9542 01 期刊分区 期刊所...
Human Genomics focuses on the application of genomic analysis in all aspects of human health and disease, as well as the genomic analysis of adverse drug ...
Human Genomics is a peer-reviewed, open access, online journal that focuses on the application of genomic analysis in all aspects of human health and disease, as well as genomic analysis of drug efficacy and safety, and comparative genomics. Topics covered by the journal include, but are not ...
Human Genomics作为医学领域下的遗传学期刊,是一本同行评审的开放获取在线期刊,专注于基因组分析在人类健康和疾病各个方面的应用,以及药物功效和安全性的基因组分析以及比较基因组学。 ISSN:1473-9542 01 影响因子 Human Genomics官网显示最新影响因子为6.481分,影响因子近两年呈上升趋势,目前被7个国际数据库收录和摘要...
今天为大家介绍的是英国医学类期刊Human Genomics,由国际出版商BMC集团出版,每年发行1期,主编为耶鲁大学的Vasilis Vasiliou教授。Human Genomics是一份同行评审的开放性期刊,重点关注基因组分析在人类健康和疾病各个方面的应用,以及药物疗效和安全性的基因组分析和比较基因组学。 期刊ISSN:1473-9542 01 期刊分区 期刊所...
《人类基因组学》(Human Genomics)是一本以GENETICS & HEREDITY综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由BioMed Central出版商创刊于2003年,刊期1 issue/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦GENETICS & HEREDITY领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术交流的...
Human Genomics简介 Magazine introduction 英文简介 Human Genomics is a peer-reviewed, open access, online journal that focuses on the application of genomic analysis in all aspects of human health and disease, as well as genomic analysis of drug efficacy and safety, and comparative genomics.Topics...