Thank you for you generosity, I was trying to draw a convincing dog all afternoon, now you gave me one,….thanks perhaps this aint the best side 2 be asking, but am a vectorworks user, and am searching 4 god aditional content (detailed human figures,etc)…it gotta be free… if anyon...
I was interested to note that FF web app, Photoshop's Generate Image, and Generative Fill all returned heavily distorted human figures, but Generate on Adobe Stock returned images that were at least not actively offensive. Using "Art" rather than "Photo" improved results in ...
This allows a human to make assumptions about human figures from a tiny amount of data, and allows a human artist to take advantage of this when creating art. The question for the computer graphics community is whether and how we could algorithmically mimic what a human artist can do. I ...
So think of this sort of like one of those action figures from back in the day where you could literally see all of the joints and parts that come together to create this being. Trying to visualize this will give you a good sense of where the highlights will go. Step 30 Now it’...
At D21, immunostainings for neurons (TAU+ and INA+) as well as dopamine neurons (TH+) confirmed successful conversion (Figures 2B and 2C) and revealed the mature neuronal morphology of the reprogrammed cells (Figure 2D). At this point, only a few cells in the reprogrammed group expressed...
were performed and repeated independently with similar results for three times. Statistical analyses were performed with GraphPad Prism 8. All statistics were described in the figure legends. No statistical method was used to predetermine sample size. Images were mounted in figures using Photoshop (...
The specific type of statistical tests with exact n values and P values are indicated in the figures and legends, and further details are included in Supplementary Table 3. Unless stated otherwise, statistical significance was accepted at P < 0.05, and the exact P values are included in ...
"Traditional editors force you to lay out the exact set of tools and instructions to achieve a desired outcome. AI software is different because they're ‘descriptive:’ you specify the desired end result and the software figures out how to get there," Yang said. "It's like moving ...
The relative organoid size for each time point is given as the % of the organoid size (100%) at day 0 of infection. Values represent mean ± SD. ∗∗∗p < 0.001 by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. n = 4 organoids per group. See also Figures S3 ...
Photoshop CS6 software was used to organize the figures. Statistical analyses were performed by ANOVA and t tests as detailed in each section using GraphPad Prism 9 software. The difference between the two groups was considered statistically significant when *p < 0.05, or highly significant ...