A fundamental question is whether humans have the neural resources to control additional DoFs without limiting other functions71. Several studies have investigated the applicability of using different muscular or neural signals to control sDoFs concurrently to and independently from natural movement. ...
The N170 ERP component, certainly the most widely studied face-sensitive ERP component, exhibits a profile of sensitivity and selectivity that suggests it functions more or less as a face detector that relies on global face appearance. For example, isolated face parts give rise to weaker N170 ...
Swarm intelligence studies self-organized collective behavior resulting from interactions between individuals, typically in animals and artificial agents. Some studies from cognitive science have also demonstrated self-organization mechanisms in humans, often in pairs. Further research into the topic of human...
Generally, human body parts can be classified according to physiology or body structure [1]. The classification result based on physiology shows its advantage in matching organs and tissues with similar functions, such as muscle classification in different body parts [2]. However, in some practical...
Detecting human beings accurately in a visual surveillance system is crucial for diverse application areas including abnormal event detection, human gait characterization, congestion analysis, person identification, gender classification and fall detecti
We exist for the direct support and mutual aid of neurodivergent and disabled people. Stimpunks is created by and for neurodivergent and disabled people. We provide mutual aid, creator grants, learning opportunities, human-centered research, and living w
Acquired 3D face data cannot be directly used as the inputs of feature extraction algorithms because the data contain the human faces, but also many distracting features such as hair, ear, neck, eye glasses, and jeweleries. It is true that when us human beings identify each other, these fe...
We intentionally avoided asking participants to report the content of their memories while being scanned. We did this to avoid confounding the properties of the remembered stimulus with the motor response used to report these properties (hand or eye movement)....
Though the range of invariance in recognition of novel objects is a basic aspect of human vision, its characterization has remained surprisingly elusive. Here we report tolerance to scale and position changes in one-shot learning by measuring recognition
21and lower extremities14, as well as of eye movements22and non-experimental speech production12,14,23,24,25. But it remains unclear how major classes of orofacial actions that play a crucial role in our daily life and social interaction, including laughing and smiling, are controlled by the...