EEG signals index a global signature of arousal embedded in neuronal population recordingsJournal Article In:eNeuro,vol. 9,no. 3,pp. 1–16,2022. Abstract|BibTeX Natasha Kharas; Ariana Andrei; Samantha R. Debes; Valentin Dragoi Brain state limits propagation of neural signals in laminar cortical...
Sound presentation was stopped whenever signs of arousals, awakenings, or REM sleep became visible. Scalp EEG acquisition An EEGo 65 channel EEG system (ANT Neuro Enschede, Netherlands) was used to record electro- encephalography (EEG) throughout the experiment. Impedances were kept below 20 ...
Behavioral, EEG/MEG and MR measurements were scheduled on different days; EEG/MEG acquisition preceded the behavioral measurement.Behavioral questionnaires and stimulus ratingSubjects completed the Big Five Inventory sampling personality (John and Srivastava 1999); the Interpersonal Reactivity Index sampling ...
Cortical traveling waves are signals of neuronal origin, measured e.g., with M/EEG, VSD, LFP, fMRI, that propagate systematically across space and time (e.g., plane waves, expanding waves, spiral waves, or impulse waves). They have been found across brain sites, frequency bands, spatial ...
The brain’s arousal state is controlled by several neuromodulatory nuclei known to substantially influence cognition and mental well-being. Here we investigate whether human participants can gain volitional control of their arousal state using a pupil-based biofeedback approach. Our approach inverts a...
EEG features extracted using discrete wavelet transform technique, relative sub-band energy such as alpha, theta, and beta energies, and the relative band ratios computed from sub-band energies for two states such as arousal index, heart rate, performance enhancement index, cognitive performance ...
Analyses of EEG, MRI, and WES are instrumental in arriving at a definitive diagnosis.Unfortunately, resistance to commonly administered chemotherapy drugs often limits the effectiveness of treatment in patients with retinoblastoma (RB), a malignant ocular disease affecting children. In etoposide-resistant...
EEG data were analyzed offline using a procedure identical to that applied for the real-time data, except that in this case, the difference of SSVEP power index values between the target and the distractor hemifields (ΔΦ) was computed for each trial at the time of threshold crossing, ...
Much evidence has been accumulated to link changes in brain electrical activity to the slowing of behaviour. Theelectroencephalogram(EEG) provides a record of the brain’s electrical activity. The normal human EEG displays continuous rhythmic activity in the form of wavelike patterns varying in freque...
For each index and each band, an ANOVA was performed over the pre-stimulus data for the three odor conditions. 3. Results The results have been organized into three different subsections, questionnaires, EEG topographical analyses, and neurophysiological parameters, in order to facilitate the reader...