List of Brazilian federative units by Human Development IndexNortheast regions
You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: 1) Mood debuffs involving the Ideology DLC needed. 2) Benefits of executions for development points as a human resource.With the Ideology DLC, pawns can tolerate - or even enjoy - certain illicit practices. The following precepts are releva...
Human reproduction does not happen uniformly throughout the year and what drives human sexual cycles is a long-standing question. The literature is mixed with respect to whether biological or cultural factors best explain these cycles. The biological hyp
Coyote. We recorded a total of 216 attacks. Data on attacks were collected from4,34,35,36, the Wikipedia Coyote attacks on humans (, Coyote Attacks on Children (, Coyote Attacks: An Increasing Subur...
variant in a person's genome to produce disease. The term is most often used in the context of cancer or inherited disease, when a genetic variant has a substantial deleterious effect on the function of the gene product that leads to, or substantially contributes to, the development of ...
change model, provide basis for highland ecological conservation and help to understand regional sustainable development processes. Unfortunately, the human efforts on highland developments over Asia are still unknown. Our study was designed to answer the following questions: (1) how many human activity...
Resources for conservation, development, and documentation of low resource (human) languages. According to some estimates, half of the 7,000~ currently spoken languages are expected to become extinct this century. However, there is a lot of work by academics, independent scholars, organizations, co...
The cellular prion protein PrPC, encoded by the PRNP gene, is required for the development of prion diseases37,38. Previous genome-wide microRNA and siRNA screens have uncovered a complex pattern of regulated expression of PrPC (refs. 39,40). However, these screens failed to identify any TFs...
In this work, we report the development of a comprehensive method that can characterize the origin of unmapped reads obtained by RNA-seq experiments. Analyzing unmapped reads can inform future development of read mapping methods, provide access to additional biological information, and resolve the irks...
In another example, implementing interferometry has been shown to improve DCS SNR by achieving shot noise performance18,19, but at the expense of increased complexity of the system which is not preferred for the future development of wearable devices. Finally, using a longer wavelength of 1064 ...