In this paper researchers have prepared the human development index of states of India and providing the ranking on basis of human development index and also providing the ranking on the basis of sub index. Conclusion of the study as follows: In this study researcher found that some states ...
The Human Development Index (HDI) is recognised as the most commonly used composite index to assess the socio-economic progress of a country. To preserve its pioneering role in development, there has to be a reduction in inequalities and cross-state conv
aRank of human activity expansion rate,brank of human activity expansion rates considering cultivated land and artificial surface types,cspatial variability of human activity expansion rate,drank of human activity expansion rate in 48 Asian countries andeproportion of human activity expansion types in 48...
Known CRC-associated microbial taxa were obtained from the gutMDisorder24 ( database with parameters: Species=Human, Condition=Colorectal Neoplasms (distal cancer), Sequencing Technology=Whole metagenomic sequencing and Taxonomy Rank=species. The resulting list of ...
Table 3 Total list of families with number of genera, species and rank Full size table Growth form of medicinal plants The findings of the study indicate that medicinal plants can be categorized into different groups based on their habits. Among these groups, herbs were found to be the most ...
Given the progressive increase in the number of commuters and considering the need for the increase in lines as well as trains and based on the necessity for the decrease in the travel time of trains, it seems that railway companies must move in the direction of growth and development and ai..., are sites of same group★ No. 1 "comment Taiwan" on Mocrosoft Bing, 2023-7-4, 2023-6-28, 2023-6-16, 2023-5-31, 2023-5-1, 2023-4-30, 2023-3-31, 2023-3-23, 2023-2-28, 2023-2-6, 2023-1-21, 2023-1-14, 2023-1-1, 2022...
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an essential, omega-3, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that is a key component of cell membranes and plays a vital role
Since 1990, Vietnam, Pakistan, Morocco, Philippines, India, Bangladesh, and China were at the lowest HDI rank. According to the human development index report, the situation of the human development process in Morocco, Iran, and India increasing their HDI gradually, but Pakistan is ranked 154 ...
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions is a cultural dimension tool which was used as the independent variable and its impact was tested on the Human Development Index, a socio-economic cultural development index; only in Europe. Through research concluded that both these models were the best fit due to...