Experimental design and stimuli The stimuli were generated with MATLAB (version 9.7)62, using the Psychtoolbox and displayed on a screen that was one metre away from the participants. The angle of the head was kept stable with a chin rest. The height of the chin rest was adjusted to posit...
Co-registration and localization were estimated by using FreeSurfer84 and BioImage85 software, according to the guidelines of iELVis86. Reporting summary Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article....
This experimental design allowed us to simultaneously measure BOLD responses for either configuration when attention was directed toward or away from the stimulus. Fig. 5: Tuned normalization modulates spatial attention. a Stimuli were comprised of orientation bandpass-filtered noise gratings (outer ...
The design and corresponding Fourier analysis yields the differential response between the blocks and thus allows us to isolate responses driven by the presence of relative motion/disparity discontinuity, the segmented figure surface or some combination of the two, from responses driven by absolute ...
The two main types of common help are: • Application Fundamentals • Using PeopleSoft Applications Most product families provide a set of application fundamentals help topics that discuss essential information about the setup and design of your system. This information applies to many or all ...
The two different grating orientations were included in the design because we had hypotheses regarding not only the sensory processing of stimulus presence versus absence, but also regarding the processing of orientation-specific signals. However, since we were not able to successfully decode the orien...
To visualize all macro-contacts localized to visual cortex in a common space, we transformed the macro-contact coordinates into MNI coordinates and displayed them on a flattened cortical template (cvs_avg35_inMNI152) (Figure 1C). We also visualized the stereo-electrodes and macro-micro electrodes...
Experiment design All participants took part in a single brain imaging session (Fig. 2a) during which they were randomly assigned and trained on either the SN or the FD task. We recorded whole-brain rs-fMRI data before training while participants fixated on a cross at the center for the scr...
While we demonstrate the Bio-FlatScopeNHP in rhesus macaque, the lightweight design should be compatible with a number of other common animal models. The largest contributor to the weight of our current prototype (weight ~17.2 g) is our off-the-shelf CMOS sensor (~4.9 g) and 3D pri...
design is not one that actually relates to the generative process and manual skills responsible for producing the cross-hatched design. Rather, the intention that matters is one that relates to the mental representational capacities that allow the conceptualisation of the cross-hatched design as a ...