沪江词库精选declaration of human rights是什么意思、英语单词推荐 【法】 人权宣言 相似短语 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 世界人权宣言 1948年12月10日,联合国大会通过并颁布 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 世界人权宣言 declaration of human rights 【法】 人权宣言 declaration of ...
根据联合国于1948年制定的《世界人权宣言Universal Declaration of HumanRights,》,我们有30项基本人权,旨在提供关于如何对待个人的全球理解。“《世界人权宣言》的力量是思想改变世界的力量。它激励我们继续努力,确保所有人都能获得自由、平等和尊严。人权是描述某些标准的道德原则或规范人类行为,并经常作为国内法和国际法...
declaration of human rights 英 [ˌdekləˈreɪʃn ɒv ˈhjuːmən raɪts] 美 [ˌdekləˈreɪʃn əv ˈhjuːmən raɪts]网络 人权宣言 ...
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” “人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。” The iconic opening sentence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is as important today as it was ...
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights comprises the fundamental freedoms and basic rights that are accessible to every person, no matter the gender, origin, nationality, religion, social status, language, or other similar issues. Therefore, the aims of the declaration have been to stop the ...
他还是1948年为联合国(UN)起草《世界人权宣言》(UniversalDeclarationofHumanRights)的外交官之一。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Through theUniversalDeclarationofHumanRights,theworld'snationshaveagreed thateveryonehas the right toeducation. 世界各国通过《世界人权宣言》(UniversalDeclarationofHumanRights)共同表示,人人都有...
Based on the trust created by this, we want to coexist with employees, partners, customers, and local communities, and respect the basic rights of all stakeholders. Kolon Industries supports and complies with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Human Rights Commission'...
世界人权宣言Univ..世界人权宣言 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948年12月10日第217A(III)号决议通过 ---
on the adoption of the universal declaration of human rights delivered 9 december 1948 in paris, france 演讲者简介:安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福(anna eleanor roosevelt,1884年10月11日-1962年11月7日),美国第32任总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福的妻子,曾为美国第一夫人。第二次世界大战后她出任美国首任驻联合国大...