investment in human capitalThe prerequisites of formation of the human capital theory as a scientific concept on the basis of analysis of works representatives of classical political economy, Marxism, neoclassical political economy are defined in the article. W. Petty first used the value approach to...
The human capital concept is not new, even though it reached its apotheosis in the 1960s. Hence the Chicago human capital school comes closest to diffusing economic inequality as an issue. Based on the analysis of the connotation of human capital value, the paper constructs a model of universi...
Human capital consequences of heatwave-attributable PTBs In the final step, we estimated human capital consequences of annual attributable PTBs as well as associated economic costs. Owing to the broad concept of human capital and the lack of consistent measurements, we summarized three dimensions (i...
Human capital is the intangible skills, knowledge education and abilities that an employee has. An example would be a person with an advanced degree and certifications in the field they work in. What is the concept of human capital? The concept of human capital is that the abilities, skills,...
Human capital is a concept used by human resource professionals to designate personal attributes considered useful in the production process. It encompasses
Backes-Gellner & Moog (2013) introduced the concept of a “human and social capital balance,” suggesting that a well-balanced combination of these resources enhances the likelihood of entrepreneurship. This balance can be seen as part of the broader systematic effects, where human and social capi...
QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION AS A COMPONENT OF HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION: CHALLENGES FOR UKRAINE The research actualizes problem of ensuring the quality of higher education for the preparation of innovative human capital, which contributes to increasing the global competitiveness of Ukraine. The purpose of...
The study revealed that "mathematics" as a field of study, was the only key to technological breakthrough in any given society. And no society could make meaningful progress in science and technology without embracing the concept, logic and philosophy of mathematics which is the tap root to ...
Human capital is a concept of economic origin that is constantly evolving in terms of its content and structure. Most often, it includes knowledge, skills, competences, and other attributes internalized by individuals or groups of persons, acquired over a lifetime, and used to produce goods, ser...
The role played by human capital in the historical process of economic development is an important issue in cliometrics. This chapter traces the history of the human capital concept and underlines that it has undergone criticism since its origins. Among