The dy-namic data of single-labeled surface [Sfract(s)], double-labeled surface[Sfract(d)],Sfract(d+1/2s),tra-becular osteoid surface(TOS), and bone formation rate in tissue level (Svf) were increased and osteoid maturation period (OMP) shortened in XW630 group. In osteoblast-like ...
Haisma, H., Goedemans, W., de Jong, M., Hilkens, J., Hilgers, J., Dullens, H. and Den Otter, W. (1984). Specific localization of In-111-labeled monoclonal antibody versus 67-Ga-labeled immunoglobulin in mice bearing human breast carcinoma xenografts.Cancer Immunol Immunother.,17, 62...
Cell types are labeled based on phenotypic expression of marker proteins as well as localization within the tissue. Finally, we perform neighbourhood analysis to detect and quantify niches within the tissue. Using K-means neighbourhood clustering, we score each cell based on the composition of its ...
Application of Fluorescently Labeled Lectins for the Visualization of Biofilms of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa by High-Frequency Time-Resolved Scanning Acoustic ... Research on biofilms has benefited from the development of powerful new techniques to investigate their structure, function and morphology. Conjugated...
(Nashville, TN) was used for quantitative histomorphometry. We have scored and quantified fifty fields in the secondary spongiosa at 40X. For static histomorphometry measurement, 5 μm sections were stained with Goldner’s trichrome stain. Fluorochrome (calcein) labeled unstained 10 μm sections ...
After rinsing, the membranes were incubated with HRP-labeled secondary antibodies for 1 h at room temperature. The proteins of interest were visualized using WesternLumaxLight™ Superior (ZETA Life, USA), and β-actin was utilized as the reference protein to normalize the protein expression ...
(+60°).bZoomed-in PIC map acquired in the correspondingly labeled box ina, showing the fine details of the rod and interrod crystal orientation and arrangement. Notice inbthat the transitions in crystallographic orientations between a rod head (H) and its interrod tail (T) is gradual, ...
, 1997), the basic structure of steroid hormones consists of four rings labeled as A, B, C and D. The various members of this hormone class differ from one another with respect to the location of double bonds and types of functional groups attached to the ring structure. The major ...
Fig. 9.1.The nonpathologic adult spine has natural curves that form an S-shape. Shown is the lateral view of the spine with the five regions labeled. From The vertebrae and discs of the cervical and lumbar regions have different sizes and ...
Using fluorescently labeled 4-PEG-VS, dynamic in situ pore formation was evidenced by time-lapsed confocal microscopy. During crosslinking, spatial patterns of binodal nucleation were observed (Fig. 2b, Supplementary Movie 1). Supplementary Fig. 1 and Supplementary Movie 2 show that PIPS and ...