Body Systems & Homeostasis - SchoolWorld:人体系统与平衡- schoolworld 热度: Nervous System • Control and communication network of the body. • Detects internal & external stimuli through your five senses Parts of the Nervous System •
large intestines, small intestines, rectum Function: breaks down food into molecules the body can use, and eliminates waste Interactions: Uses the circulatory system to take food to the individual cells, forms the end of the excretory system to expel solid waste. ...
HumanBody Systems .BioEdOnline BioEdOnline LevelsofOrganizationintheBody Cells Tissues Epithelial,connective,muscular,nervous Organs Examplesincludestomach,liver,heart OrganSystems Examplesincludedigestiveandcirculatorysystems .BioEdOnline BioEdOnline TissuesintheHumanBody ...
1-humanbody选修课.ppt,The digestive system The liquid remainder of the food enters the large intestine, or colon, which is about 12 feet (3.7 meters) long. It is more than twice as wide as the small intestine. In the large intestine most of the fluid is
1、,白云满地无人扫 又闻杏林读书声,Human Body,Chen xuliang The Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College,In this passage you will learn: Classification of organ systems Structure and function of each organ system Associated medical terms,the skeletal system the muscular system the ...
Physiology of the Female Reproductive System:女性生殖系统的生理学 Male Reproductive System Pathology - Shanyar:男性生殖系统病理学shanyar 人类辅助生殖技术引发的伦理与法律问题 人类生殖系统的发生PPT课件.ppt 女性生殖系统.female-reproductive-systemppt课件 人类大脑解剖学The Human Brain Anatomy【国外优秀ppt模板】...
Structure and Function of Human Body 人体结构与功能课件.ppt,* . 精选 * . 精选 Structure and Function of Human Body 人體結構與功能 by Chung W.Wu,M.S.,R.Ph. * Nerve Systyem Electrical Signals Controlled by Nerve System * Action Potential Cell Membrane Ion
Prepare for your next science lesson and teach your students about the digestive system organ by organ with this cool template for Google Slides and PPT
SkeletalSystem Themainroleoftheskeletalsystemistoprovidesupportforthebody,toprotectdelicateinternalorgansandtoprovideattachmentsitesfortheorgans.MuscularSystem MuscularSystem Musclesarebodytissuesthatprovidetheforceforallbodymovements.Theyaremadeofspecialtypesofcells.SkeletalMuscles:theyarealmostalwaysfoundattachedtothe...
Human Endocrine system Pituitary gland Hypothalamus Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland pancreas Adrenal gland Thymus gland Pineal body Reproductive glands Endocrine glands The endocrine system is the collection of glands of an organism that secrete hormones directly into the circulatory system to be carried tow...