The excretory System Recall the major organs of the human body and their functions within their particular body system. The Excretory System Biology-Unit 8. Excretory System Excretory System Key Point #1: There are three main organs in your excretory system Skin Kidney Bladder. Lesson Overview 30.4...
Nutrients and Types Nutrients are parts of food used by the body to grow and survive 5 Types of nutrients are: Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Vitamins Minerals Excretory System Job Organs Removes solid, liquid and gas waste materials from the body Organs Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Rectum Organs...
human_body演示教学.ppt Human Body;Shoulder blade; taste bud:味蕾 bitter: 苦 sour: 酸 salt:咸 sweet:甜 umami:鲜; blood flow: 血流 artery: 动脉 vein: 静脉 vessel: 血管;Human Circulatory System 人体血液循环系统;Blood Type 血型;; cerebrum: 大脑 cerebellum:小脑 brain stem:脑干 neuron:神经细胞...
Basic Structure of the Human Body 人体基本结构.ppt,Human Anatomy Integumentary System Introduction Largest organ of the body 21 square feet, 1.5-2 square meters 4 kilograms, 9 pounds, 7% - 15% of total body weight One square inch contains 20 blood vesse
Structure and Function of Human Body 人体结构与功能课件.ppt,* . 精选 * . 精选 Structure and Function of Human Body 人體結構與功能 by Chung W.Wu,M.S.,R.Ph. * Nerve Systyem Electrical Signals Controlled by Nerve System * Action Potential Cell Membrane Ion
1、,白云满地无人扫 又闻杏林读书声,Human Body,Chen xuliang The Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College,In this passage you will learn: Classification of organ systems Structure and function of each organ system Associated medical terms,the skeletal system the muscular system the ...
医学英语课件:human body as a whole 白云满地无人扫又闻杏林读书声 HumanBody ChenxuliangTheSecondAffiliatedHospitalof WenzhouMedicalCollege Inthispassageyouwilllearn:●Classificationoforgansystems●Structureandfunctionofeachorgan system●Associatedmedicalterms •theskeletalsystem•themuscularsystem•the...
•Yoursmallestbloodvesselsaretentimesthinnerthanahair.•Yourbodycontainsenoughbloodvesselstocircletheworldtwice.HumanCirculatorySystem人体血液循环系统 •WhatIsIt?Thefirstcompleteunderstandingofhowarteries,veins,heart,andlungsfunctiontoformasingle,completecirculatorysystem.•WhoDiscoveredIt?WilliamHarvey •William...