Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
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All human body systems and organs in the body rely on the lymphatic system for protection. Nervous The nervous system is a sensory and control system for the entire body and is vital for all human body systems and organs in the body to function. It includes the brain, the spinal cord,...
[...]only on the strength of individual actors in the system, but more importantly, the strength of their interactions, just as the health ofthehuman bodyrequires healthy circulation and communication amongallbodypartstofunctionproperly. ...
StructureandFunctionofHumanBody人體結構與功能 by ChungW.Wu,M.S.,R.Ph.NerveSystyemElectricalSignalsControlledbyNerveSystem ActionPotentialCellMembraneIonChannelElectricalCurrentMembranePotentialRestingMembranePotentialNa-KPump Neurotransmitter(ChemicalNeurotransmitter)1.Ach2.Nor-EpinephrineEpinephrineDopamineSerotonin3....
Peripheral Nervous System – All other parts of the nervous system – Carries impulses from CNS to body Endocrine System • Regulates hormones • Think of that moment when you get excited before a big event….that is your endocrine
What is the function of the circulatory system? The job of the circulatory system is to carry oxygen and nutrients from food to all the parts of the body. Then waste products like carbon dioxide are carried back out. This is all done by the blood which travels through the blood vessels....
Endocrine: The endocrine system consists of a network of glands that secrete hormones — long-range chemical messengers that regulate how cells and tissue function — into the blood. These hormones, in turn, travel to different tissues and regulate many bodily functions, such as metabolism, growth...
In accordance with the study of this course, students are required to be familiar with the basic structure of the human body. In addition, students are required to understand the relationship between structure and function, and the relationship between human body and environment, and learn to ...
36. function (功能) 37. nourishmet(营养) 38. nutrient(营养素) 39. blood vessel(血管) 40. cardiovascular system (心血管系统) 41. artery(动脉) 42. capillary(毛细血管) 43. vein (静脉) 44. lymphatic system(淋巴系统) 45. lymph vessel (淋巴管) ...