A Tree Map demonstrating the chemical composition of an average human body in kg. Tooltips show the additional information about the effect this element has on a body and if this element is essential or not.
Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
In the human body, hPRPS1 and hPRPS2 have differ- ent functions. When the activity of hPRPS1 mutants increases, it will cause hyperuricemia, myasthenia, gouty arthritis or neurosensory defects [18]. When the activity of hPRPS1 mutants is reduced, it will lead to neuropa- thy, deafness ...
as well as changes to their extracellular fluid volumes. This introduces variability in the water content of the body and its relationship to one’s weight, with the percentage of total body water generally decreasing with age. The chart below displays the fluctuation in...
In nature, elements rarely occur alone. Instead, they combine to form compounds. Acompoundis a substance composed of two or more elements joined by chemical bonds. For example, the compound glucose is an important body fuel. It is always composed of the same three elements: carbon, hydrogen,...
Almost fifty years have gone by since scholars discovered that the number of chromosomes in most of the cells of human body tissue is 46 and not, as had been thought before, 48. Before the human chromosome number was definitely established the technologies of microscopy and chemical preservation...
Therefore, evaluating the chemical composition of groundwater for the presence of heavy metal contamination is crucial for determining its suitability for consumption and other uses, as well as for accurately assessing the associated human health risks (Altenburger et al., 2019; Ukah et al., 2019)...
The oral cavity is a complex ecosystem where human chemical compounds coexist with a particular microbiota. However, shifts in the normal composition of this microbiota may result in the onset of oral ailments, such as periodontitis and dental caries. In
Many different monoclonals can be produced after immunization with a complex antigen mixture (which can be a tissue or a body fluid), and one can test each to determine whether it sees an antigen that can distinguish diseased samples from normal ones for example. The approach can be likened ...
Although non-human cell lines had been used almost exclusively in previous cytotoxic studies of hydraulic cements, human cells can predict the response of the human body to chemicals more accurately than animal cells. Due to species differences, humans and animals respond differently to chemical ...