有余 我在看着渣日一步一步走出泥潭愈发坚强独立 另一方面是我格外希望可以通过渣日的作品(绘画摄影)和其想法 发出属于孤独症谱系人士自己的心声 不再压抑 不再掩藏 不再躲避 正如渣日在视频中最后所讲:每个人都有自己的价值 存在就是价值 这也正是我一直所坚持的信念: We are human beings not human doings...
human being. 则不同,这类人不在乎别人的看法,跟随内心的的召唤,过自己喜欢的生活。
因为我们是人(human beings),不是事(human doings)。神看重你的品格远超过你的工作,因为你将带著品格,而非工作进入永 …www.jidunet.cn|基于60个网页 3. 人类存有 ...化,是你自己贬低卑下自我。我更期望你们是大写强化的人类存有(Human Beings),而让你相信更高层次的自我所在。于…blog.sina.com.cn|基于...
Human beings vs. human doings.Discusses how young people travel. Comment from Richard Footner, senior vice president of operations for the American Council for International Studies; Difference between how the older generation travel and the traveling experiences of the young generation; Change in the...
disrespect for god for any scientist to emback on the cloning of human beings.why should anybody tamper with human life in such a mockin manner.do these scientists not have anything else to think about other than to challenge god by altering human content.please tell them this is not fair...
It becomes a hot issue that whether human beings are constructive or destructive to the environment these days. As contemporary college students, we unquestionably bear the responsibility of making a difference toward this urgent phenomenon. A group of students hold their views that human beings haven...
Human beings may tend to hesitate to oblige, but our maker will always oblige if the seeker returns to him with penitent heart without having doubts over the acceptance of his or her prayer request(s). In essence, it behoves believer not to wait until situation had become desperately bad ...
As things and beings interact, they form and deform each other. Sometimes this is visible and sensible to humans. What we humans experience as “time” is actually our subjective experience of the duration of a particular change that we are watching or living out because it happens to be rel...
Such powerful Beings presumably perceive any object simultaneously from all planes, perspectives, and depths without need of a frame of reference. Given the interrelationships of the physical world, such a god or angel also could not fail to perceive Something as part of a whole and a whole of...
not be living in. The living conditions they were in were not of human beings but animals. In the memoir NightElie Wieselwrites of the human brutality that caused him to lose faith in the world. When the prisoners arrived at the camp they had never heard of this brutal place. Wiesel ...