针对Double Stranded DNA (dsDNA) Antibody (IgG), BioAssay ELISA Kit (Human)该产品的特点优势,欢迎查阅官网提供的产品说明书。保存建议 建议收到Double Stranded DNA (dsDNA) Antibody (IgG), BioAssay ELISA Kit (Human)产品后将其置于4°C/-20°C保存。其他...
dsDNA(Human anti-double stranded DNA) ELISA KIT货号:BH1517规格:48T/96T人抗双链DNA抗体/天然DNA抗体Elisa试剂盒dsDNA(Human anti-double stranded DNA) ELISA KIT用途:用于定量检测人血清、血浆及相关液体样本中人抗双链DNA抗体/天然DNA抗体的含量。人抗双链DNA抗体/天然DNA抗体Elisa试剂盒工作原理:本试剂盒采用...
英文名称:Human anti double stranded DNA dsDNA ELISA KitHuman anti double stranded DNA dsDNA ELISA Kit is available 8 times 来自 Mybiosource labs,中文名称:人抗双链DNA双链ELISA Kit人抗双链DNA双链ELISA试剂盒有8个,产品货号:MBS722734
中文名称:Human anti-double stranded DNA(dsDNA) antibody(IgG) ELISA Kit 中文同义词:人抗双链DNA(DSDNA)抗体/天然DNA抗体(IGG) ELISA KIT 英文名称:Human anti-double stranded DNA(dsDNA) antibody(IgG) ELISA Kit 英文同义词:Human anti-double stranded DNA(dsDNA) antibody(IgG) ELISA Kit ...
HER2/ErbB2 (Human) ELISA Kit 供应商 Biovision 产品货号 E4357-100 产品报价 ¥询价/100assays 产品说明书 点击查看 购买方式 银行转账、电汇、支票、现金,在线支付宝及网银支付,或直接与我们电话联系400-6800-868. 产品新闻 背景资料 待更新 产品描述 Anti-dsDNA antibodies are a group of anti-nuclear anti...
人抗双链DNA酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒,Human Anti-Double Stranded Dna AntI-DsDNA ELISA Kit 产品特点 请参考Novatein Biosciences官网和随附说明书。 保存建议 请参考Novatein Biosciences官网和随附说明书。 其他 Novatein Biosciences是一家位于科学创新前沿的知名公司,位于美国波士顿地区。产品线范围广泛,包括抗体、蛋白...
The majority can be diagnosed by clinical presentation and their antibody profiles to the various antigens involved, which include dsDNA, SM, RNP, SSA, SSB Scl-70, Jo1 and Histones. Therefore, immunoassays for autoantibodies are useful for diagnostic and prognostic evaluations of autoimmune disease....
针对Jo-1, Human, IgG, IgA, IgM (Histidyl t-RNA Synthetase) BioAssay ELISA Kit该产品的特点优势,欢迎查阅官网提供的产品说明书。 保存建议 建议收到Jo-1, Human, IgG, IgA, IgM (Histidyl t-RNA Synthetase) BioAssay ELISA Kit产品后将其置于4°C保存。
00846 人*脱羧酶自身抗体(GAD-Ab)ELISA试剂盒 human glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody,GAD-Ab ELISA Kit 96T/48T00847 人抗血小板抗体IgG/M/A(PA-IgG/M/A)ELISA试剂盒 Human plaet antibodies IgG/M/A,PA-IgG/M/A ELISA Kit 96T/48T00848 人抗淋巴细胞球蛋白(ALG)ELISA试剂盒 Human anti-...
The IgG subclass distribution of human autoantibodies to Sm, double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA), ribonucleoprotein (RNP), SS-B (La), and IgG rheumatoid factor (RF) have been determined using sensitive ELISA or by indirect immunofluorescence on Crithidia lucilia in sera from patients with systemic lupus...