Bioethics: Human-animal hybrid embryos 来自: 海德格尔 组长 2012-06-14 15:24:40 赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 海德格尔 组长 楼主 2012-06-14 15:51:21 人兽混合胚胎实验 模糊了人类和动物之间的界线,扮演上帝,违反了人的尊严。即便人兽混合胚胎杂交产物具备道德状态,但这种混合杂交的遗传物质会带来新...
The invention uses human sperms to fertilize artificially a female chimpanzee, which bears after pregnancy an animal quite similar to both human being and chimpanzee. It is called human-like ape. Its organism may be used as a transplant donor and a temporary substitute worker for mankind. It ...
individualhybridpresentedtous,buthowtoacttowardthecreature,atthemostbasic level.Drawingonanimallawandtheoryaswellasthehistoryofhumaneugenicsinlaw andpolicy,Viningidentifiescriteriathatmayonedaybeusedtogaugerelative humanness,qualitativeandquantitative.Heobservesthatultimatelythedifficultyof decidingoragreeinguponwhatidenti...
求翻译:Human-Animal Hybrid是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 Human-Animal Hybrid问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 人类动物杂交 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 促进人类和动物共存之道混合 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 人动物杂种 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 人类动物杂交 匿名...
Beware of the email that is circulating with a picture- a human dog hybrid mother with puppies, it’s having such a natural looks that many of my friends were surprised and almost believed the half human and half dog fact. Afterward this spectacular sculpture of Piccinini was named ...
Human-animal cytoplasmic hybrid embryos, mitochondria, and an energetic debate. 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 113 作者:JS John,R Lovell-Badge 摘要: Scientists are seeking permission to generate human embryonic stem cells to study disease by introducing human genetic material into an animal oocyte. ...
Human-animal Embryo HybridizationOrgan TransplantationEthical DebateHuman FutureThe academic debate on the study of human and animal embryos has never stopped. Despite the great expectations of scientists, the human-animal embryo hybrid expdoi:10.15354/si.19.pe030Springer, Morgan...
A breakthrough in the field of human organ transplantation – hybrid animal-human organs. And they could just be the solution to both the global shortage of transplant organs… as well as the risk of implant rejection – or graft-vs-host disease....
Moreover, how bizarre is it to create human embryos with one animal parent and no human parents –just a cloner-owner? There are also dangers of viral cross-over from animals to human beings, supposedly how the AIDS virus began to infect human populations. The animal-human distinction ...
In this exegesis, I identify the human-animal hybrid in science fiction as a cyborg, according to Haraway’s manifesto. I argue that Haraway’s cyborg theories are valid ways of understanding the hybrid in science fiction. The hybrid character exists in a state of confusion and ...