NAIROBI, July 16 (Xinhua) -- The international community should adopt progressive measures aimed at containing the escalating threats to human and planetary health, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) said in a new report. Some of these emerging threats to the health of habitats and com...
SOSV’s core mission is to launch visionary founders who are destined to have a radically beneficial impact on human and planetary health. That ranges from the vast effort to make humanity’s means of production more sustainable to curing disease and improving healthcare. As of April 2023, our...
The following sections are included:Expanding Concepts of Health and of the Dimensions of Environmental ImpactPlanetary HealthARBO virusesDiseases Caused by ARBO VirusesZika ARBO virusConvergenceReferences#Expanding Concepts of Health and of the Dimensions of Environmental Impact#Planetary Health#ARBO viruses#...
Notwithstanding these scarce global studies, a comprehensive analysis of the implications of DACCS and BECCS embracing simultaneously human and planetary health is lacking. Filling this knowledge gap is critical to uncover the co-benefits of CDR and minimize the potential collateral damage of combating c...
s systems remain largely unknown. The staggering volumes released into the environment — 370 million tons of new plastic is manufactured every year, withless than 10 per cent recycled and 12 per cent incinerated— are “having devastati...
s systems remain largely unknown. The staggering volumes released into the environment — 370 million tons of new plastic is manufactured every year, withless than 10 per cent recycled and 12 per cent incinerated— are “having devastating impacts on pla...
Substituting animal-source foods with novel and future foods in our daily diets is essential to mitigate global environmental change. An integrated statistical approach and optimization model support a shift to alternative, more sustainable diets.
Safeguarding human and planetary health demands a fertilizer sector transformationfertilizer sectorhuman nutritioninnovative fertilizersnanotechnologyplant healthFertilizer nutrients are essential for food and nutrition security, but a large proportion of nutrients applied to soil are lost because they are ...
NAIROBI, March 19 (Xinhua) -- The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has joined a multilateral initiative that aims to advance human, ecosystems and animal health simultaneously in line with the sustainability agenda. The UNEP said in a joint statement released in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, Friday...
Core Spirit is a social platform focusing on human and planetary enhancement through diverse mediums of content, experts and practitioners, online and offline events, complementary products & services. Book nowFor Alternative PractitionersFor Doctors Most of life problems can be solved. The world is ...