人机Human-AI Interaction#英语 - 英语nini老师于20240814发布在抖音,已经收获了2.0万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
1. 一位知名创业家提议用“社会科技交互”(STX)一词来描述科技对社会的影响,这引起了人机交互领域各路专家的吐槽。2. 微软发布关于人智交互(Human-AI Interaction, HAII)的重要文章。3. 麻省理工主导兴起机器行为学(Machine Behavior)领域。Tristan的提议虽然充满创意,但立即遭到人机交互领域专家的...
我们综合这些研究,建议当适当的架构利用大型语言模型时,虽然大型语言模型本身并不足够,但它们开辟了一种新的角度来创建逼真的智能体。 ## 2.1人工智能交互(Human-AI Interaction) 交互式人工智能系统旨在将人类的洞察力和能力与计算工具相结合,以增强用户的能力[3, 29]。长期以来,许多工作探索了允许用户交互指定模型...
继上次围观斯坦福以人为本的人工智能学院混战之后,最近几个月“人”和“机器”的关系又引发了大家的各种讨论,主要的发展有三:(1)一个大哥在推特上抖机灵惹毛了一群人机交互(HCI)大佬;(2)微软人智交互(Human-AI Interaction)大文章;(3)MIT牵头兴起机器行为学(Machine Behavior)。 发推特前务必请做好背景调研系...
计算机人机交互(Human-Computer Interaction, HCI)是计算机科学、设计、心理学和社会学等多个学科交叉的领域,它关注于如何使计算机技术更好地服务于人的需求。此领域不仅关注技术层面的优化,更重视技术与人类活动的和谐共生,目标是创造既高效又符合人类认知习惯的交互环境。一、核心要素 1. 用户中心设计(User-...
Microsoft 建議 18 個一般適用的設計指導方針來進行人類 AI 互動。這些指導方針會合成超過兩十年的思考和研究,以瞭解如何讓 AI 方便使用者使用。 Microsoft 小組會透過三個回合的驗證來執行,以確保它們是特定的、可觀察且容易理解的。 您可以閱讀 原始研究檔。18 個指導方針提供建議,說明如何建立有意義的 AI 內建...
As technology advances, human and AI interaction grows more important. AI isn't just for automation; it's transforming industries, improving our lives, and sparking innovation. This video examines AI's societal impact and the key considerations for its integration....
We push the boundaries of the capabilities of AI systems and seek to safely deploy them to the world through our products. AI is an extremely powerful tool that must be created with safety and human needs at its core, and to achieve our mission, we must encompass and value the many ...
Re-examining whether, why, and how human–AI interaction is uniquely difficult to design. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–13 (Association for Computing Machinery, 2020). Li, R. C., Asch, S. M. & Shah, N. H. Developing a delivery science for artificial ...
As conversational agents powered by large language models become more human-like, users are starting to view them as companions rather than mere assistants. Our study explores how changes to a person’s mental model of an AI system affects their interact