Even after successful extinction, conditioned fear can return. Strengthening the consolidation of the fear-inhibitory safety memory formed during extinction is one way to counteract return of fear. In a previous study, we found that post-extinction L-DOP
Puig de la Bellacasa’s (de la Puig Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More than Human Worlds, 2017) conceptualization of care, we discuss how the school assemblage might succeed in recruiting the persistently absent students if it generated more care. . The study was based on qualitative...
Jonathan Dolhenty PhD
Kennedy G (2008) An Ontology of Trash: The Disposable and Its Problematic Nature (S U N Y Series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics). State University of New York Press. Kerruish E (2021) Assembling human empathy towards care robots: the human labor of robot sociality. Emot Space Soc ...
There is a severe need to understand the meaning of being “ethical” in the context of AI and education. It is also essential to find out the possible unintended consequences of the use of AI in education and the main concerns of AI in education, and other considerations. Generally, AI’...
(Story), personal meaning (Meaningful), perceived effort (Effort), and estimated time to create (Time) as additional criteria for judgement. Importantly, while these now nine criteria may or may not behave in similar ways to one another, some may moderate ratings of others. In this way, we...
More than ever, we need to make space in our programming to empower the public, as though they are not just recipients of our content, but active participants that find personal meaning in museums and the art inside of it. That goes hand in hand with our need to be socially connected ...
Legal texts derived from such processes require accurate translation and understanding of nuances of meaning, as many legal terms have different uses in terms of form and content across types of text. To determine the degree to which the quality of a translation based on artificial intelligence ...
Public pressure is essential for providing multinational enterprises (MNEs) with motivation to follow the standards of human rights conduct set in soft-law
likely reflecting the input PaCO2time course in the brain, which then passes through and acts on downstream vasculature to yield tissue signal change in accordance with the shape and magnitude of the PaCO2bolus. The careful selection and averaging of voxels in and around the MCA, PCA, and ACA...