18 Years ago a man by the name of David Sunseri was raped while he was with a group of friends and gf at a rock concert. He was separated from his friends by accident because of how big the crowd was. Three men approached him and asked him if he wanted to share a joint...He sa...
I thought the movie tried to portray a dark humor feel from it from how bizarre the acts were and how some the actors portrayed the characters. At times I laughed and at times felt bad for the people when the nasty scenes occurred. I also didn't find myself bored because of dragged ...
highlighting the importance and focus of companionship in the marketing of the robots. The name “sex robots” suggests that sex is central to what these robots provide. However, the videos’ focus for marketing is mainly ideas of companionship...
Yet I believe it is precisely from an evolutionary standpoint that we can expect new in sight into the problem of the n ature of man.对人性概念产生怀疑的另一个原因很可能是由于进化论思想的影响,一旦把人类看作 是在进化论的过程中不断发展的。那么,这种认为在人性中存在着某种一成不变的东 西的...
Given that Ang II acts along proximal and distal tubular segments to increase Na+ transport, and thus, enhance salt and water retention, a reasonable question is: To what extent can the lesser efficacy of ACE inhibitors' in women be explained by the sex differences in renal transporters, ...
In the words from the song The Impossible Dream from the musical the Man of La Mancha, we had to be prepared to ‘march into hell for a heavenly cause’ [lyrics by Joe Darion, 1965]. We had to lose ourselves to find ourselves; we had to suffer becoming angry, alienated and ...
Human Acts: A Novel Human Acts: A NovelHuman Acts: A NovelHuman Acts: A Novel By Han Kang Hogarth, 224 pp., $22.00 One week after Han Kang's...Christman, Philip
In the sea of definitions of human being, it is hart to choose the proper one. They speak about human being like technical, social and rational being, but they do not observe universally. The man is free and responsible for his acts, which is bottom of his morality, because of that, ...
What counts is a man’s total behavior, and not his talk about planned but not realized acts. On the other hand action must be clearly distinguished from the application of labor.Action means the employment of means for the attainment of ends. As a rule one of the means employed is the...
Somewhere in the modern US, a carful of Amazonian nymphets is chased and terrorised by Kurt Russell as a fender-bending psycho. Make that two carfuls. The film’s first hour is set in Texas, with a hard-drinking quartet targeted by Russell’s Stuntman Mike, a scarred veteran of professio...