However, effective feature engineering and optimization methods help improve the recognition model's performance. In this work, Spider Monkey Optimization is applied for training the deep neural network. UCI HAR, WISDM, KTH action and PAMAP2 datasets are used to evaluate the pro...
Recent advances in video-based human action recognition using deep learning: a review. In 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (IEEE, 2017). Moeslund, T. B. & Granum, E. A survey of computer vision-based human motion ...
【2d or 3D Pose Estimation and Action Recognition using Multitask Deep Learning】这一篇是平行的估计 pose (Integral Pose的形式)、heatmap、visual feature,最后整合起来预测 action。 个人理解这样的依据是同一种 action 类别中的 pose 的分布是类似的,而 action 又是与 pose 强相关的。 2d or 3D Pose Es...
1.2D or 3D Pose Estimation and Action Recognition using Multitask Deep Learning 该文的思路即是将HPE与Action Recognition进行结合,并行地进行关键点heatmap的预测,并获取HPE结果,以及一些额外的feature map,最后整合起来进行动作识别。由于一个完整的动作需要多帧结果的融合,所以该文在backbone部分采用了一些video类...
Shrestha M and Pandey SP (2023) Human action recognition using deep learning methods Sunil A, Sheth MH and Shreyas E (2021) Usual and unusual human activity recognition in video using deep learning and artificial intelligence for security applications. In 2021 fourth international conference on elec...
England Abstract—Human action recognition using skeletons has been employed in various applications, including healthcare robots, human-computer interaction, and surveillance systems. Recently, deep learning systems have been used in various applications, such as object...
Human Action Recognition Based on Deep LearningDeep convolutional network has achieved great success in visual recognition of static images, while it is not so advantageous as traditional methods in action recognition in videos. However, in...doi:10.1007/978-3-030-25128-4_198YuXin Cai...
One of the main challenges in the field of activity recognition is estimating human poses. This has traditionally been done by using a hand-crafted model that requires careful initialization and parameter estimation, but thanks to recent advances in deep learning it’s now possible to use neural ...
In recent years, with the development of deep learning technology, many novel skeleton-based human action recognition algorithms have been proposed, which has greatly promoted the development of this field. This paper aims to give a compr
recognition for mobile and wearable sensors using deep learning. Specifically, we present comprehensive review of deep learning methods; taxonomy of the recent studies in deep learning based activity recognition, their advantages, training procedure and popular deep learning software frameworks. Based on ...