During our campaign, sound search traffic doubled from 100m to 200m queries alongside a 25% increase in hum-related searches.
谷歌搜索推出 hum to search 哼唱搜歌功能 据The Verge今日消息,谷歌增加了一个名为 hum to search 的新功能,用户可以通过哼唱(或者吹口哨)来进行搜索歌曲。 该功能的工作原理是利用其机器学习模型“将音频转换为代表歌曲旋律的数字序列”,然后将其与现有歌曲进行比较。 这项新功能在iOS和Android的谷歌应用程序中都...
Hum to Search 于 10 月推出,是 Google 搜索中一个全新的完全机器学习的系统,它允许人们仅使用哼唱的歌曲来查找歌曲。与现有方法相比,这种方法从歌曲的频谱图生成旋律的嵌入,而无需生成中间表示。这使模型能够将哼唱的旋律直接与原始(和弦)录音相匹配,而无需每个音轨的哼唱或 MIDI 版本或其他复杂的手工设计逻辑来...
The latest addition to Google Search for mobile can understand your humming, whistling and singing to identify songs. Hum to search is triggered when you ask Google “what is this song?” and then proceed to perform bits of the tune to your best abilities. After you’re ...
family circle I was checking(In FB as well for a different song) for song by sharing the audio of the humming which I could remember not the song...later everyone liked the question and we started having weekly puzzle/quiz with random BGM of the song and asking everyone to identify. Goo...
YouTube Music is introducing a new song search feature on Android, as reported by9to5Google. Now, when you launch the search function, you’ll notice a fresh “Song” tab alongside “Voice”. This feature lets you play, sing, or hum,similarto Hum to Search in Google Search. Utilizing ...
How to use Google to search for your song Open the Google app on your iPhone. Tap on themicrophone buttonin the right side of the search field. Tap onSearch a songor just say “search a song.” You will see a cloud of wiggly, color-changing dots. Hum a little of your song, then...
YouTube Music has started rolling out its new song identification feature on Android. YouTube Music now lets you 'sing or hum' to search on Android : Read more
YouTube Music launches hum to search on iPhone To use the new sound search option, hit the search button in the top-right corner of the mobile app and select the new waveform icon that should appear, then hum a song’s melody, sing a few words out loud or play its beat. ...
广告品牌:Google 发布日期:2021 行业领域:互联网服务,网站 媒体类别:TVC,短视频 广告语言:英语 媒介平台:网络 综合评分 0 暂无评分 创意 0 文案 0 视觉 0 创作者 案例详情 涵盖全球100万精选案例,涉及2800个行业,包含63000个品牌 热门节日97个,23个维度智能搜索 ...