) address — that's the numerical ID containing information about your location and web activity that gets assigned to your device by your internet search provider, or ISP, when you connect to a local network. It's like a house's physical address, but for your computer/smartphone/tablet....
hulu hulu plus nook tablet Replies: 1 Forum: Nook Color General Thread [Q]Hulu for the Shift? Does anyone know where I can find a copy of the Hulu Plus apk that works for the Shift? My fiancee just got this phone and we can't find a working apk anywhere. Any help is greatly ap...
为应对Nook Tablet挑战,亚马逊将预装了Netflix和Hulu Plus的应用,以确保即将要推出的Kinedle Fire能提供与竞争对手相同的服务。在本周三,亚马逊Kindle Fire 已经宣布将增加了对Netflix和其它的一些流行应用的支持,而两天后亚马逊又宣布将增加对Hulu Plus 和ESPN ScoreCenter的支持,可见亚马逊对于Nook Tablet 这一竞争对手...
《为应对Nook Tablet挑战 亚马逊Kindle Fire将预装Hulu Plus》文章已经归档,不再展示相关内容,编辑建议你查看最新于此相关的内容:亚马逊OTT业务:IMDb TV APP即将推出 月活用户超1.2亿亚马逊免费、主要依靠广告支撑的流媒体服务 IMDb TV 即将推出自己的移动应用。在面向广告商的 ......