There are a lot of Hulk Hogan fans who hate this match. However, there is no reason to hate it as it was one of the most enjoyable matches in the later years of his career.Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan finally wrestled, and while Shawn wanted a three-match series, even giving in th...
The bigWrestleMania VITitle vs. Title Match just might be one of the greatestWWEmatches of all time thanks to its star power, a ridiculously hot crowd, and a conclusive finish involving Hogan's signature Hulk Up not leading to a win. It happens at the very end after Warrior does his sig...
FormerWCW president Eric Bischoffconceded to critical opinion, admitting that Hogan vs. Warrior II was one of the worst matches in history and that it “pretty much stunk up the joint.” However, Bischoff dismissed the notion that he had hired Warrior solely to lose to Hogan as retribution fo...
He’s not gone long though, as he returns with HULK HOGAN! Yes folks, this is it. Hulk Hogan makes his first appearance in the WWF as a babyface and turns the place on it’s ear! Hulkamania begins here, as Hogan would soon take Backlund’s place in the January 24th match against ...
Monday, January 22 – 10am arrival Madame Tussauds Orlando 8387 International Dr., Orlando, FL 32819 Meet us at Madame Tussauds Orlando for one of the greatest Hogan’s Beach Shop® experiences of all time! For one day only, we’ll be... ...
You have it as “How Wrestlemaina 3 Became One Of The Biggest Matches For The Wrestling World” “How Wrestlemaina 3 Became The Biggest Match For The Wrestling World” I just watched the special on Hulk Hogan and Andrea the giant. I have the greatest respect for both men. I love to wa...
Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock. The Rock headlined wrestling’s Super Bowl 5 times and featured in some of the events greatest matches. Last year in Dallas, Texas at Cowboys Stadium, they set an indoor attendance record with 100,000 packed in, and wouldn’t you know who showed up with a ...
WRITTEN PODCAST RECAP: Jim Cornette on the super villain he’d like to manage, Curt Hennig’s selling, Paul Jones work as a manager, is Hulk Hogan the greatest locker room politician of all time? (Ep. 50) April 30, 2018Andrew Soucek ...
This focuses on one man only, Hulk Hogan. Hulk is arguably the biggest wrestling star in the history of the sport so a third DVD set is certainly not overkill, especially considering that these are some very rare matches that otherwise wouldn’t see the light of day. ...
Hogan’s massive presence had a way of making things feel significant. His greatest rivals —“Rowdy” Roddy Piper, King Kong Bundy, Ultimate Warrior — became more noteworthy parts of WWE history when they stepped through the ropes to face The Immortal One. His best matches read like a shor...