When Macho Man says, "On behalf of the entire World Wrestling Federation!", Hulk Hogan's belt buckle suddenly becomes transparent. In the Season 1 compilation on ERB2, the re-edit has 2 errors in the subtitles which were fixed in the stand-alone release: ...
Mick talks about the flight but he is looking forward to getting on the same page with Hogan. Mick is in the gym and Lou Ferrigno enters to give some workout tips. Mick asks if Lou is sitting in for the mee...
Hogan dumps Savage to the outside and he drives the shoulder of Macho into the ringpost. Hogan brings Macho back in and he finally takes off the glasses. Those glasses lasted more than two minutes in this match. Hogan blows a kiss to Liz, who is still on the apron, before going back...
his wife, Jimmy Hart, and one other guy -- the album features (among other things)kid-friendly rapanda ballad about a dead Make-A-Wish kid. Maybe it avoids the same mockery because, out of all of Hogan’s extracurricular endeavors, a novelty record pales in comparison to Hulk Hogan’s ...
Hogan is proud about being the spokesperson for this new beer, which he says is intended to bring Americans together. If he could sit down and have a beer with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Without hesitation, Hogan said he would crack open that beer with Andre the Giant. ...
While The Undertaker's win may have been tainted, Hogan still gave him a run for his money. After hitting the firstTombstone Piledriverof the evening, Hogan surprisingly kicked out and proceeded to execute a major comeback against the Deadman before he was finally put down. ...
You were either ready or you weren’t. Macho Man made him believe he believed in the demandments. That’s why Hogan stuck with him. Okerlund mentions Savage attacked the Hulkamaniacs. Hogan says Savage was consumed by jealousy, putting Miss Elizabeth between them. Savage couldn’t be the ...