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(4)INSIDE BABYLON 5.As J. Michael Straczynski’sBabylon 5new commentaries get uploaded to his Patreon page, older ones get a public release. The latest posted to YouTube is:“Babylon 5: Message From Earth commentary by J. Michael Straczynski”. A full-length, sync-up commentary by creator...
there’s no denying that John Rambo was one of the most popular action characters of the ‘80s following the success of ‘First Blood’ and ‘First Blood Part II.’ In the cartoon, which hit televisions in 1986, Rambo reenlists to be part of ...
there’s no denying that John Rambo was one of the most popular action characters of the ‘80s following the success of ‘First Blood’ and ‘First Blood Part II.’ In the cartoon, which hit televisions in 1986, Rambo reenlists to be part of ...