Hukumonline offers a database of laws, regulations, and court decisions, along with legal analysis, regulation translations, and an AI-based reegulatory compliance system. Hukumonline caters law firms, government agencies, and international institutions with services such as legal consultations, docume...
Site Info - Overview of web technologies used by Website Background Hukumonline: Satu Platform untuk Semua Kebutuhan Hukum Hukumonline menghadirkan berbagai solusi untuk riset hukum, pemantauan kepatuhan hukum, pengelolaan dokumen, hingga publikasi dan penyelenggara...
Pertama konsultasi hukum online, sangat membantu dan efisien... Konsultan hukumnya juga efektif dalam menjawab, terima kasih! ah*** Layanan Bisnis Justika is an absolutely helpful platform that connects you to the lawyer you are looking for. The lawyer was very communicative...
KEMUNGKINAN PENERAPAN HUKUM PIDANA DALAM PENANGGULANGAN DAMPAK NEGATIF GAME ONLINE BAGI ANAKThis thesis is talking about the probability of the implementation of the criminal law in the case of the elimination process of negative impact in online games for the children in...
Garuda Citizen Random4 detik ago Cara Bayar dan Cek Tagihan Listrik Online Via Blibli yang 100% Praktis! Membayar tagihan listrik tepat waktu adalah kewajiban yang harus Anda lakukan. Dengan membayar listrik tepat waktu, Anda bisa memastikan aliran listrik di rumah tetap lancar dan......
PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP INVESTOR PADA APLIKASI INVESTASI SAHAM BERBASIS ONLINE doi:10.46799/jsa.v4i12.933The development of information technology has had a significant impact on the world of investment, with the emergence of online-based stock investment applications. Along with its po...
ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI KHIYAR PADA BISNIS E-COMMERCE DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM (STUDI KASUS PADA TOKO ONLINE SALE STOCK INDONESIA) doi:10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i10.2585This research aimed to analyze the implementation of khiyar on e-commerce business in Sale Stoc...
Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Konsumen Akibat Keterlambatan Pengiriman Barang dalam Jual Beli Online pada E-commercedoi:10.59188/jurnalsosains.v4i6.1378Background: Online buying and selling through marketplace platforms such as Ecommerce is increasingly prevalent in Indonesia...