— chris karalis (@chriskaralis4)May 15, 2018 Some pre-emoji, non-XOXO shorthands forhugs and kissesinclude436(the number of letters in each word ofhugs and kisses) andHLK(hugs, love, and kisses). In the 2010s, people have taken to using their emoji incarnations, thehugging face andfac...
I had to listen to someone leading PD say “they might be silly if you let them chat.” Meanwhile teachers are on a back channel text thread sending emoji reactions. Do you know what children are? They are people! Your oppressive policies need to be shut down, not the chat box. pic....
import{hyphenate}from"hyphen/en";(async()=>{consttext="A certain king had a beautiful garden";constresult=awaithyphenate(text);// result is "A cer\u00ADtain king had a beau\u00ADti\u00ADful garden"})(); Hyphenate HTML Processor will automaticly skip HTML tags hyphenation. import{hyphenat...
Github的Markdown语法支持添加emoji表情,输入不同的符号码(两个冒号包围的字符)可以显示出不同的表情。 比如:blush:,可以显示:blush:。 具体每一个表情的符号码,可以查询GitHub的官方网页http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com。 但是这个网页每次都打开奇慢。。所以我整理到了本repo中,大家可以直接在此查看emoji。 di...