HUGO TT2 型式:USBDAC/数位前级/耳扩 材质:铝合金车制机壳,不锈钢珠轴承按钮,镜面黑色压克力面板...
What clinched it for me was: *The transformational sound quality of the M Scaler *The fact that the TT2 as a headphone amp competes head to head with my Cavalli Liquid Gold, which means that the cost of the HMS/TT2 combo could partially be funded by the sale of my Cavalli, and the...
bluetooth supported desktop SKU:TT2BLK $5,100.00 CHOOSE Color: Black Silver AVAILABLE ON REQUEST 9 units left Quantity Found a better price? We can match it Financing options Pay over time withAffirm. See if you qualify at checkout.
The TT2 also uses the new filter system that first saw the light of day on the Hugo 2 and the Qutest. I love the Chord filters system, period. I use it on the Qutest and the Hugo and most of the time I end up with the warm filter due to personal preferences. When I switch to ...