In 2011, Jackman played a father who forges a better relationship with his son by training a fighting robot in Real Steel, and also appeared in the comedy Butter. After the immense success of Les Mis, Jackman took on a lighter role in the comedy Movie 43 (2013). The film boasted numer...
You can only imagine the hyperbolic win-win pitch for “Real Steel” that brought this robot boxing movie to the screen: “Transformers” meets “E.T.” meets “Rocky” meets “The Champ,” starring Hugh Jackman of “X-Men” and directed by the “Night at the Museum” hotshot, Shawn L...
At first glance,Real Steelmight seem like another generic robot fighting movie or even a ripoff of Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots when, in fact, the sci-fi film is based on the 1956 short story "Steel" by Richard Matheson that previously served as inspiration for anepisode ofThe Twilight Zone...
As for Jackman's words about fighting Deadpool, that's still in the cards too and if Jackman signs on beyondWolverine 3, it's possible that the unannounced 2018 mystery project by Fox is anX-Forcemovie, since the studio already tapped Jeff Wadlow (Kick-Ass 2) to put together its script...
Yes, the line about Toads and lightning is ghastly. The black leather costumes date the movie terribly. Hugh Jackman would be a much more jacked man in later sequels; his Logan looks positively shrimpy here. Still, there’s a reason the firstX-Menhelped spark the superhero movie boom of...
Yes, the line about Toads and lightning is ghastly. The black leather costumes date the movie terribly. Hugh Jackman would be a much more jacked man in later sequels; his Logan looks positively shrimpy here. Still, there’s a reason the firstX-Menhelped spark the superhero movie boom of...
Hugh Jackman plays Charlie who likes to throw away money he doesn't have on junky fighting robots, only to have them thoroughly destroyed. He blankly reacts to the death of his ex-girlfriend as a vehicle to introduce his 11-year-old son Max (Dakota Goyo). A wealthy aunt and uncle ...
Yes, the line about Toads and lightning is ghastly. The black leather costumes date the movie terribly. Hugh Jackman would be a much more jacked man in later sequels; his Logan looks positively shrimpy here. Still, there’s a reason the firstX-Menhelped spark the superhero movie boom of...
Watch Hugh Jackman enjoy a flight in a US Air Force F-16 Fighting FalconDario Leone
I have a terrific marriage, but unlike a lot of relationships where they ebb and flow, no matter what happens you fall deeper and deeper in love every day. It's kind of the best thing that can happen to you. It's thrilling.