Hugh Hefner’s second wife,Kimberley Conrad, is speaking out againstCrystal Hefner, claiming she’s trying to make “a quick buck” badmouthing the latePlayboyfounder. “We should be wary of those who try to destroy things because they are no longer benefiting from them,” Conrad...
In July 1989, he married Kimberley Conrad, then Playmate of the Year, who was 27. They also had two children together, but separated in 1998 although she continued living next door to the Playboy mansion. Cooper Hefner, his son and chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises, said in a ...
父亲: 格伦·卢修斯·海夫纳(Glenn Lucius Hefner ) 母亲: 格蕾丝·卡洛琳·海夫纳(Grace Caroline Hefner) 配偶: 克里斯托·哈里斯(Crystal Harris) 前配偶:米尔德里德·威廉姆斯(Mildred Williams) 金伯利·康拉德(Kimberley Conrad) 子女: 库珀·海夫纳(Cooper Hefner) 大卫·海夫纳(David Hefner) 克里斯特·海夫纳(C...
See Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel's production, company, and contact information. Explore Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential res
HEF GAINS A BRIDE, LOSES A REPUTATION Unlock your daughters. At 63, Hugh Hefner, the sultan of sex without $ strings, has succumbed to the charms of hearth, home and Kimberley Conrad, 26.LoveMarriageSchindehetteSusanGoldToddMillsBarbara...
This marks the third marriage for Hefner, who was previously wed to Mildred Williams and Kimberley Conrad and has two children with each of his ex-wives. It’s the first marriage for Harris, who recently opened a lingerie store, Femme Fatale, in Studio City. Related Stories Related Story ...
Hugh Hefner: American Playboy Revisited: Réalisé par Kevin Burns. Avec Hugh Hefner, Christie Hefner, Kimberley Conrad, Barbi Benton. The life of Playboy's legendary editor and founder, Hugh M. Hefner is profiled in this compelling and highly personal p
Cooper Hefner has assumed creative control at the brand his father launched 64 years ago as he brings nude images back to the magazine while lamenting the company's involvement in lowbrow licensing and reality TV: "Nudity hadn't been the problem —
在与原配离婚后,他在1989年结了第二次婚,妻子是曾经被评选出的‘年度玩伴’Kimberley Conrad,两人年纪相差36岁。两人育有两个孩子,但在1998年,他们又离婚了。理由是….Hefner说妻子劈腿,而自己倒是保持了忠贞。 两次婚姻都因对方劈腿而分道扬镳,他却还没对婚姻失望,在2012年12月又举行了婚礼,与相差60岁的Harri...
Hefner的第二任妻子也是《花花公子》女郎,Kimberley Conrad,给他生了两个儿子。 两人的婚姻从89年维持到了2010年,但Hefner说他拖着没和Kimberley离婚只是为了儿子…… Anyways,总之他的情史大部分都是重叠的,最多的时候他同时和七个女人谈恋爱: “ Hugh Hefner聊同时谈七个女朋友,吃蓝色小药丸 ...