🧨 Stable Diffusion in JAX / Flax !🤗 Hugging Face Diffusers supports Flax since version 0.5.1! This allows for super fast inference on Google TPUs, such as those available in Colab, Kaggle or Google Cloud Platform.This post shows how to run inference using JAX / Flax. I...
🧨 Stable Diffusion in JAX / Flax !🤗 Hugging Face Diffusers supports Flax since version 0.5.1! This allows for super fast inference on Google TPUs, such as those available in Colab, Kaggle or Google Cloud Platform.This post shows how to run inference using JAX / Flax. ...
其一开始为计算机视觉模型设计,现今仍在许多模型的推理性能上取得最佳表现,包括Stable Diffusion。然而,对资源有限型的应用,优化 Stable Diffusion 远不止运行时的。这也是 OpenVINONNCF(Neural Network Compression Framework) 发挥作用的地方。 在本博客中,我们将理清优化 Stable Diffusion 模型的问题,并提出对资源有限的...
2、用huggingface 的inference endpoint,可以参考链接。Stable Diffusion with Hugging Face Inference ...
在我们上一个基准测试中,我们看到Gaudi2 的 Stable Diffusion 推理速度比 A100 快 2.2 倍,这个优势在随后 Habana 提供的最新优化中进一步提高到了 2.37 倍。在 SynapseAI 1.9 的预览版中,我们看到 BLOOMZ-176B 的推理延迟进一步降低到了 3.5 秒。当新版本的 SynapseAI 发布并集成到 Optimum Habana 中时,我们会...
clothing of the subject. It struggled to deal with the bright yellow lighting to get the correct hair coloring, with the video appearing a bit blonde, and the facial structure is completely different. However, the movement is as crisp as any Stable Diffusion based video generator we have seen...
Keywords: inpainting, SD, Stable Diffusion flair FLAIR is a powerful PyTorch NLP framework, convering several important tasks: NER, sentiment-analysis, part-of-speech tagging, text and document embeddings, among other things. Keywords: NLP, text embedding, document embedding, biomedical, NER, PoS,...
Keywords: inpainting, SD, Stable Diffusion flair FLAIR is a powerful PyTorch NLP framework, convering several important tasks: NER, sentiment-analysis, part-of-speech tagging, text and document embeddings, among other things. Keywords: NLP, text embedding, document embedding, biomedical, NER, PoS,...
AnimateDiff is a modelling framework that allows you to create videos using pre-existing Stable Diffusion text-to-image models. It achieves this by inserting motion module layers into a frozen text-to-image model and training it on video clips to extract a motion prior. ...