Chinese Localization repo for HF blog posts / Hugging Face 中文博客翻译协作。 - huggingface-cn/hf-blog-translation
在前面章节中已经知道如何从Hugging Face Hub上下载和缓存数据集(使用load_dataset直接指定Hub上已有的数据集名称)。但是我们经常会遇到需要加载本地和远程服务器上数据的情况,本节就是介绍如何使用Hugging Face的Datasets库来完成那些Hub没有的数据集加载方法。 处理本地和远程服务器上的数据集 Datasets库提...
Getting started with NLP using Hugging Face transformers pipelines - The Databricks Blogの翻訳です。 本書は抄訳であり内容の正確性を保証するものではありません。正確な内容に関しては原文を参照ください。 自然言語処理における進歩は、テキストデータから価値を取り出すというこれまでにないビ...
tokenized_dataset=, batched=True)#small_eval_dataset = tokenized_dataset["test"].shuffle(seed=42).select(range(1000))data_collator= DataCollatorWithPadding(tokenizer=tokenizer) config= AutoConfig.from_pretrained("./bert-base-chinese", num_labels=len(label2id), id...
The Vision Transformer leverages powerful natural language processing embeddings (BERT) and applies them to images. When providing images to the model, each image is split into patches which are linearly embedded after which position embeddings are added and this is sequentially fed to the transformer...
token-classification, for instance dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english question-answering, for instance distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad translation, for instance t5-base summarization, for instance facebook/bart-large-cnn conversational, for instance facebook/blenderbot-400M-distill...
Hugging Face Tutorial : EDITION IN PROGRESS … Now that you have a better understanding of Transformers, and the Hugging Face platform, we will walk you through the following real-world scenarios: language translation, sequence classification with zero-shot classification, sentiment analysis, and quest...
Again, implementing one of these models using Hugging Face is fast and easy. fromtransformersimportpipeline qa_pipeline=pipeline('question-answering',model='distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad')context="""Paris is the capital and most populous city of France. The city has an area of 105 squ...
Another introduction to 🤗 Datasets is the tutorial on Google Colab here: Add a new dataset to the Hub We have a very detailed step-by-step guide to add a new dataset to the datasets already provided on the HuggingFace Datasets Hub. You can find: how to upload a dataset to the Hub...
This notebook is designed to use a pretrained transformers model and fine-tune it on a classification task. The focus of this tutorial will be on the code itself and how to adjust it to your needs. This notebook is using theAutoClassesfromtransformerbyHugging Facefunctionality. This functionali...