最后是用一个类构建哈夫曼树 1packagecom.huffman;23importjava.util.ArrayList;4importjava.util.HashMap;5importjava.util.List;6importjava.util.Map;78publicclassHuffman {9//优先队列10privatePriorityQueue<Node>priorQueue;1112//需要处理的文本13privateString[] text;1415//文本处理后的统计信息16privateMap<...
typedef char **HuffmanCode; void HuffmanCoding(HuffmanTree &HT, int *w, int n); //Huffman编码函数 void select(HuffmanTree HT,int n, int &s1, int &s2);//选择书中节点值较小的两个节点 void Error(char* message); //显示错误信息 int w[] = {2, 5, 7, 4}; //各节点权值 int main...
package_Algorithm.HuffmanCodeimportjava.util.*classHuffmanCoding {//recursive function to paint the huffman-code through the tree traversalprivatefun printCode(root: HuffmanNode?, s: String) {if(root?.left ==null&& root?.right ==null&& Character.isLetter(root?.c!!)) { println("${root?.c...
Huffman Coding Algorithm create a priority queue Q consisting of each unique character. sort then in ascending order of their frequencies. for all the unique characters: create a newNode extract minimum value from Q and assign it to leftChild of newNode extract minimum value from Q and assign...
HuffmanCoding-Java念旧**旧情 上传6.41 MB 文件格式 gz 安全技术 系统安全 huffman编码和解码,用Java实现的,效率较高,后期可以用游程编码来处理,不过还没有这么做。 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 A java virus broadcast simulation.zip ...
HuffmanCoding 用Java实现的huffman编码树(仅对26个字符)。 1.使用的是26字符的频率作为各字符的权值 2.使用到最小堆,用java.util.PriorityQueue类实现。 3.各huffman node需要实现java.lang.Comparable接口 /** * HuffmanTreeNode.java */ packageHuffman;...
Huffman 编码问题分析可参考 数据结构——HuffmanTreeJava 代码实现内含详细注释/* * 若尘 */ package huffmancode; import java.util.Collections...; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Scanner; /** * 哈夫曼编码 * @author ruochen * @version...huffList.remove(); // 将新生成的节点添加...
algorithmcompressiona-framestringsbloom-filterbit-manipulationcomputationhash-mapedit-distancelempel-zivhuffman-coding UpdatedJan 19, 2016 Ruby MahmudulAlam/A-Complete-Digital-Communication-System Star83 A simulation of a complete digital communication system with different modulation schemes in MATLAB for trans...
一、题目描述 In computer science and information theory, a Huffman code is an optimal prefix code algorithm. In this exercise, please use Huffman coding to encode a given data. You should output the number ...Huffman Coding Description 对输入的英文大写字母序列进行统计概率,然后构建Huffman树,输出...
java huffman-coding data-structures huffman-compression-algorithm Updated Aug 23, 2024 Java ttcpavle / Huffman-coding-cpp Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests This program can compress and decompress textual file using huffman binary tree. Compressed file can be aroud 30%-50% smaller in size. ...