Despite his hearing issues, Lewis continued to contribute creatively to "The Heart of Rock and Roll," including writing a new song for the musical shortly after his diagnosis. "The Heart of Rock and Roll" is currently showing at the James Earl Jones Theatre on Broadw...
Lewis now finds himself in the unusual position of having a new record that he can’t tour to support. But he’s filming a documentary about his life (“We’re going to kick Linda Rondstadt’s ass!” he jokes) and trying to bring his musicalThe Heart of Rock & Rollto Broadway. I...
NEW YORK (AP) — There’s mixed news when it comes to Huey Lewis these days. The good part is that the '80s hitmaker and his band have their first new album in 19 years and a jukebox stage musical.
but it's up to the cast to infuse those characters with real life and ideas, and our cast is marvelous," he said.Despite facing challenges that included a 2018 diagnosis ofMénière's disease— an inner ear issue that can cause hearing loss, and vertigo, according to the Mayo...