Google Share on Facebook HBL (redirected fromHudson Bay Lowland) AcronymDefinition HBLHufvudstadsbladet(Finland) HBLHand and Body Lotion HBLHabib Bank Limited(Pakistan) HBLHouse Bill of Lading HBLHoliday Block Leave(US Army) HBLHouillères du Bassin de Lorraine(French: Lorraine Basin Coal; mining...
Brook RK, Kenkel NC: A multivariate approach to vegetation mapping of Manitoba’s Hudson Bay lowlands. Int J Remote Sens. 2002, 23: 4761-4776. 10.1080/01431160110113917. Article Google Scholar Zar J: Biostatistical Analysis. 1999, Upper Saddle: Prentice Hall Google Scholar Holm S: A simple...
The causes of change in the numbers and distribution in the coastal Hudson Bay Lowlands and the association of current caribou with the formerly large Pen Islands Herd may be difficult to determine because of gaps in monitoring, but satellite telemetry, genetic sampling, remote sensing, habitat ...
The causes of change in the numbers and distribution in the coastal Hudson Bay Lowlands and the association of current caribou with the formerly large Pen Islands Herd may be difficult to determine because of gaps in monitoring, but satellite telemetry, genetic sampling, remote sensing, habitat ...