Some 39 public housing agencies are currently in HUD's Moving to Work program, which allows them to impose work requirements. "It is ironic that a man who used taxpayer dollars to buy a $30,000 dining room table for the federal agency he leads wants to raise rent on poor people," ...
Pryde, Joan
such as theHousing Choice Voucher Programandpublic housing. Low-income housing helps families and individuals who otherwise can't afford safe and decent housing, as well as seniors and the disabled. HUD setsincome limitsannually for these programs...
Low-Income Housing Crisis Is Escalating, HUD ReportsBarbara Vobejda
to tenants is safe, affordable housing in the neighborhood of their choice. Although landlords appreciate the fact that most or all of the rent payments are guaranteed, as they come directly from HUD, the landlords are responsible for ensuring the homes meet minimum HUD housing requirements. ...
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is the nation’s housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless,
HUD and VA Supported Housing (HUD-VASH) The HUD-VASH programs provides rental subsidy for veterans facing homelessness. Case management and supportive services are required for program participants. To meet eligibility requirements for the program the vet must lack a permanent nighttime residence, or...
Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) has released more than $650m for housing for low-income seniors and people with disabilities. It informs that the funding will provide nonprofit developers interest-free capital advances to produce accessible housing, offer rental assistance, and ...
The Housing Choice Voucher program, also called Section 8, allows low-income, disabled, or elderly citizens to choose a place to live regardless of whether the property exists as subsidized housing. The property must meet certain requirements and applicants need to meet government standards to quali...
All this leads to a bottom line -- the cuts in low-income housing and community development programs and other discretionary programs included in the VA-HUD appropriations bill are being used to help fund an oversized tax cut that would overwhelmingly benefit the nation's wealthiest individuals. ...