This will include selecting USPS Crosswalk, Fair Markets Rent, Income Limits, and Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy. Now copy and paste that key into the hud_set_key() function to be used throughout your R session. hud_set_key("sample-key") Simplistic Example This sample provided ...
HUD has announced the Capital Fund Housing-Related Hazards (HRH) & Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Capital Fund Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) awards. The NOFO provides a total of $158 million dollars, which includes 20 awards under Lead-Based Paint and 54 awards under Housing-Related Hazards...
UPDATE: August 20 -FLRA sends memo to HUDinitiating compliance with the FLRA finding. Attached in the memo is theFLRA Notice to Employeeswhich management must send to all employees. July 22, 2024 - The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) has ordered the Department of Housing and Urban De...
Notice that Congress essentially changed the terminology, from ‘mobile homes’ or ‘trailer houses’ to manufactured homes and ‘manufactured housing.’ The reason is because there were standards put in place that insured to home buyers that necessary safety, energy, and c...
A new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) advisory opinion refreshes the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s computer loan origination system policy statement for a new generation of online marketing technology, specifically target