AR-HUD 是 HUD 的一种,HUD(Head-Up Display)又称抬头显示,是一种将关键驾驶信息,投射到驾驶员视线前方的显示技术。这些信息包括车速、导航指示等,驾驶员无需低头查看仪表和中控屏,即可快速获取信息,驾驶安全性明显提高。HUD 其实不是什么新技术,该技术最早应用于航空军事,1960 年,美国海军 A-5 舰载机首...
到了1988年,美国底特律三巨头之一的通用汽车公司收购了一家名为Hughes Aircraft的航天国防制造公司,接着通用把从Hughes Aircraft上获取来的HUD技术应用在了旗下Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Indy 500 Pace Car车型上,这是HUD在汽车历史上的首次应用,当时的人们对此惊艳不已。自此以后,HUD开始成为了各大汽车制造商争相...
Overall, it is the best car HUD for the money with the 3 inch compact display providing clear visibility of data. Check it Out XYCING Car Head Up Display The XYCING HUD features a 5.8 inch display that features all the main real time data parameters such as current driving speed, engine...
Carplay Hud|Phone Hud|Dual-mode GPS & BeiDou Chip:Equipped with GPS + BeiDou dual-mode chip, ensures fast and accurate speed display for all vehicles. Multi-functional Display:Includes speed, driving distance, sound alarm switch, and over-speed alarm for comprehensive driving data.Customer...
It will be up to carmakers to choose what kind of information they display holographically, although there is clearly a limit to what can be presented on the windscreen.虽然挡风玻璃上显示的内容有限,但汽车制造商可以自行选择以全息方式显示何种信息。For one thing, holographic displays could assist ...
1988年,通用旗下的奥兹莫比尔Cutlass Supreme Indy 500 Pace Car首次搭载了HUD抬头显示系统。后来,这项技术也慢慢地被民用化和普及,直到今天,市面上越来越多的车型都开始搭载HUD抬头显示系统。二、车载HUD成像原理和分类 HUD抬头显示系统的成像原理和投影仪相似,通过图像生成单元PGU生成画面并投射到光学成像系统上。
东软AR SDK+AR Studio帮助主机厂快速构建AR算法能力,该套工具不仅可以用于AR-HUD,还支持在座舱其他屏显上应用,如仪表、中控屏、电子后视镜等。东软AR For Car解决方案致力于帮助主机厂打造具备一致性的座舱屏显AR体验。 目前,东软AR软件已配套多家车厂的多个车型,据统计,2023年搭载AR-HUD的车型装配量中,相关车型...
It will be up to carmakers to choose what kind of information they display holographically, although there is clearly a limit to what can be presented on the windscreen. 虽然挡风玻璃上显示的内容有限,但汽车制造商可以自行选择以全息方式显示何种信息。
This project aims to study the feasibility of one of the most innovative concepts for driver assistance: a windshield-based integrated navigation guidance head-up display (HUD), which presents routing information directly superimposed to the road, in the style of Augmented-Reality (AR) applications....
[40]HAEUSLSCHMIDR,PFLEGINGB,ALTF.ADesignSpacetoSupporttheDevelopmentofWindshieldApplicationsfortheCar[C]//InProceedingsofthe2016CHIConferenceonHumanFactorsinComputingSystems(CHI’16),2016:5076-5091. [41]HAUSLSCHMIDR,OSTERWARLDS,LANGM.Augmentingthedriver’sviewwithperipheralinformationonawindshielddisplay[C...