[Huberman播客]03 Using Science To Opt Sleep/Learning/Metabolism 381 0 01:50:56 App [Huberman播客]04 How to Defeat Jetlag/Shift Work/Sleeplessness 1456 2 03:39:06 App [双语]如何利用锻炼提升大脑健康、延长寿命及增强表现 | huberman lab 51 0 04:23 App [Huberman播客]00 开篇 43 0 01:30...
肌醇(Myo-Inositol)也可以改善慢波睡眠。一篇名为 The impact of Myo-Inositol Supplementation on Sleep Quality in Pregnant Women: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Study 的论文得出的结论是:肌醇可以改善睡眠质量,调整睡眠结构。 我在刚才所说的补剂中添加了 900 毫克的肌醇,我发现这可以极大地提高入睡能力...
- Andrew D. Huberman, Ph.D. 和 @sleepdiplomat 发布了 Huberman Lab podcast 的特别系列节目,主题是关于睡眠。 - 该节目涵盖了睡眠与情绪、增加 REM 睡眠、成瘾、抑郁症和创伤后应激障碍康复等话题。 - 它还讨论了利用睡眠来重置情绪以及确定理想的睡眠时间和持续时间。相关...
Sleep Hygiene Supplementation for Health and Performance Explore 20+ Topics Protocols by Andrew Huberman Protocolsis an essential guide to improving brain function, enhancing mood and energy, optimizing bodily health and physical performance, and rewiring your nervous system to learn new skills and behavi...
The Huberman Lab studies many aspects of improving sleep, for example, how to get better at falling asleep, sleeping through the night, and if you wake up, getting back to sleep. According to Dr. Andrew Huberman's research, a good night's sleep starts with your morning habits. Dr. Andre...
本文是笔者在粗略了解睡眠科学播客Sleep Toolkit: Tools for Optimizing Sleep & Sleep-Wake Timing - Huberman Lab内容时的副产品。发表出来,希望能对关注睡眠的中文读者带来一点帮助。但格式可能不够工整,敬请谅解。 下方内容主要由 ChatGPT 生成,如果你对其中的内容感兴趣,请进一步参考原播客。
午后略微休息 10-30 分钟,使用 NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)技术;(这个技术和 Yoga Nidra 有点类似。B 站上可以找到很多资源) 如果可以,散步 10-20 分钟; 下午继续 90-30 深度工作循环; 下午4 点钟左右接受 10-20 分钟自然光照,如果能看看夕阳就更好;(Huberman 说这个时间段的光照对睡眠质量影响很大) ...
Sleep Hygiene Supplementation for Health and Performance Explore 20+ Topics Protocols by Andrew Huberman Protocolsis an essential guide to improving brain function, enhancing mood and energy, optimizing bodily health and physical performance, and rewiring your nervous system to learn new skills and behavi...
Upcoming episodes will cover sleep and how to get better at sleeping, learning, dreaming, as well as motivation and focus and how to access more focus. We will also cover neuroplasticity, fear, and stress. Along the way, he will discuss behavioral tools (“do’s and don’ts”), and the...
Andrew D. Huberman, Ph.D.(@hubermanlab):人们在半夜醒来后难以再次入睡的常见原因,以及@sleepdiplomat在Huberman Lab播客关于睡眠的特别系列中提出的简单(通常有效的)解决方案。 人们在半夜醒来后难以再次入睡的常见原因,以及@sleepdiplomat在Huberman Lab播客关于睡眠的特别系列中提出的简单(通常有效的)解决方案。