Switch交换机工作在OSI第2层数据链路层 Router路由器工作在OSI第3层网络层 OSI模型一共7层,1-7层分别是:物理层 数据链路层 网络层 传输层 会话层 表示层 应用层 层次划分 OSI将计算机网络体系结构(architecture)划分为以下七层: 1、物理层:Physical Layer 物理层是OSI模型中最低的一层。物理层规定:为传输数据...
Switch交换机工作在OSI第2层数据链路层 Router路由器工作在OSI第3层网络层 OSI模型一共7层,1-7层分别是:物理层 数据链路层 网络层 传输层 会话层 表示层 应用层层次划分 OSI将计算机网络体系结构(architecture)划分为以下七层: 1、物理层:Physical Layer 物理层是OSI模型中最低的一层。物理层规定:为传输数据所...
所以路由器可以把非TCP/ IP网络连接到因特网上。 属于网络层(OSI七层模型);作用:定义一个逻辑的寻址,选择最佳路径传输,路由数据包;典型协议:IP,IPX,ICMP,ARP(IP->MAC),IARP; PDU:packet/数据包;设备:路由器备注:实现寻址 路由器与交换机的主要区别 路由器(Router),是连接因特网中各局域网、广域网的设备,...
第三层交换器(layer-3 switch) o第三层交换器用来连结网络层通讯协议相同 22、之 网络或丁作站。第三层交换器根据讯框中的网络层网址(如ip网址)来进行封包 交换的工作,因此也属于网络层连接设备。网络闸门(gateway)。网络闸门用来连结特性完全不相同的网络。连结设备 讯号增益器 集线器 桥接器 第二层交换器 路径...
属于物理层(OSI七层模型);作⽤:定义⼀些电器,机械,过程和规范,如集线器;PDU(协议数据单元):bit/⽐特;设备:集线器HUB; 注意:没有寻址的概念;在⽹络中只起到和重发作⽤,⽬的是扩⼤⽹络的传输范围,⽽不具备信号的定向传送能⼒,是—个标准的共享式设备。Hub组成的⽹络是共享式...
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In computer networks, hubs serve as central connection points within a network, allowing devices to communicate and share data. Operating at the physical layer of the OSI model, hubs transmit data signals to all connected devices, regardless of the intended recipient. By exploring what...
Hub is a network device that connects multiple ethernet devices with which they can share resources and transfer data, it works as layer 1 ofthe OSI modelof the physical layer. It amplifies and regenerates the signal too. It has many ports in it so we also call it multi-port repeater h...
The router operates at the network layer of OSI (Layer 3). They possess the capability to connect various types of networks while determining the path for data transmission. In stark contrast, hubs and switches lack this level of intelligence. They can determine if the destination address is wi...
(Introduction to Hubs) Hub is a network device that connects multiple ethernet devices with which they can share resources and transfer data, it works as layer 1 of the OSI model of the physical layer. It amplifies and regenerates the signal too. It has many ports in it so we also call...