asList("field1", "field2"); @Value("${datahub.accessId}") String accessId; @Value("${datahub.accessKey}") String accessKey; SinkOssConfig config = new SinkOssConfig() {{ setAccessId(Constant.oss_accessId); setAccessKey(Constant.oss_accessKey); setAuthMode(AuthMode.STS); setBucket(...
vitest.config.ts ♻️ refactor: refactor data importer to repos (#4974) Dec 11, 2024 vitest.server.config.ts 🐛 fix: fix topic scroll issue (#3505) Aug 19, 2024 Repository files navigation README Code of conduct License Lobe Chat ...
GetFailedRecords(), retryTimes-1); } else { std::cout << "Put records retry success." << std::endl; } } catch (const DatahubException& e) { std::cerr << "Put records fail when put retry. requestId: " << e.GetRequestId() << ", ErrorCode: " << e.GetErrorCode() << ...
close(); consumer = createConsumer(config, projectName, topicName, subId); } catch (DatahubClientException e1) { // 初始化失败,重试或直接抛异常 LOG.error("create consumer failed", e); throw e; } } catch (InvalidParameterException | SubscriptionOfflineException | SubscriptionSessionInvalid...
certificate- If not using TLS certificate, set "key", "cert" and "ca" tonull. When using TLS, "key" and "cert" have to be defined with the filename corresponding to the primary-key and public-certificate. Both files must be located in the<package-root>\config\certsdirectory unless abs...
Open in File Explorer thewindowsfolder inside the folder which contains your React Native project. \n \n \n Open the Visual Studio solution you'll find there. The name of the solution will match the name of the project. \n \n
ubuntu snapd[15531]: handlers install.go:254: make system runnable ubuntu snapd[115531]: secboot_tpm.go:483: TPM provisioning error: the TPM is in DA lockout mode ubuntu snapd[115531]: taskrunner.go:271: [change 2 "Setup system for run mode" task] failed: cannot make system runnable:...
First of all let me say that both versions of the ADMX templates mentioned below, can be used with Windows 10 as well as with Windows 11. They are indentical except very few settings. This article is only about how to configure a setting, which is m...
1、 Linux下USB HUB的驱动的实现和分析: 在系统初始化的时候在usb_init函数中调用usb_hub_init函数,就进入了hub的初始化。 代码路径:drivers\usb\core\hub.c 在usb_hub_init函数中完成了注册hub驱动,并且利用函数alloc_workqueue创建一个工作队列。
mkdir -p /data/volumes/{auth_server/{config,ssl},docker_registry/data} 1. 7.2 配置签名证书 证书可以去认证机构购买签名证书,此处我们使用openssl生成证书。 一般情况下,证书只支持域名访问,要使其支持IP地址访问,需要修改配置文件openssl配置文件,再进行证书生成。 在CentOS7系统中,文件存储位置为/etc/pki/tls...