It is another method through which Huawei phone users can install the Google Play Store. Here, users need to download the Google Installer APK and tweak settings in the app to install Play Store. The same thing has been explained in detail in the following steps. Also, aBrief tutorial to ...
To install Google Play Store with GMS, it is possible to use system mirror to restore the system of smartphone (Click Here to Learn More). But, that should be operated via external device, like USB drive. However, it is hard to find the device sometime. So today, ...
点选下载1112.HUAWEI-Install-Google-Play-Store,内地的朋友可以从这下载:密码:ikyd3y,并在电脑端解压缩把两个目录放在USB随身碟根目录下。这点相当重要,没放置在根目录下的话您会无法利用备份软体来进行还原 请恢复原厂预设值,并设定为新设备,请勿先转旧机资料后再来操作。
Once you downloaded that system mirror to your external disk, you need to connect it to your Huawei or Honor HMS Phone and extra this zip file first, but do not install google play store and other apps tile you have done the methods below: Settings → System & up...
How to install the Google Play Services (Play Store) on Honor 30S 1. Download and extract the Google Play Store installation package to your computer. 2. Move the extracted files to your device storage. 3. Create a backup of your device data. To do so, go toSettings > System & Updates...
接着点选『Google Play 商店』看是否有出现『DF-DFERH-01』这个错误讯息,如果没有请到进入『设定』点选『应用程式』选择『应用程式管理』,点选右上角『三个点』选择『显示系统除里程序』并搜寻『Google』之后点选『Google 服务架构』,点选『强制停止』再点选『储存空间』并『清除快取』与『删除资料』,并检测是...
licenced status on your old device, but if you no longer use it that won't be an issue. You must download and install the APK filefrom the websitethough for the emailed licence validation to work, neither Play Store nor Huawei App Gallery downloads will work with a website-purchased ...
Hi, we are getting two security and trust errors in the google play store pre-launch report linked to the , currently they do not affect the deployment of the apps, but it would be good if these issues are fix. Here are the errors: joretogt Lv 1 Re...
Install Referrer Apps Export Data Analysis Settings Topic-specific Guides User ID Calculation Logic Data Export Using Sampling Analysis Managing the Default Data Processing Location Setting Multiple Data Processing Locations Attribution Usage Guide Using Activation Attribution Using Petal Ads...