(Video)HUAWEI IdeaHub S2, ES2, S2 Pro, ES2 Pro, and ES2 Plus 23.1 Getting Started 2024-11-08 (Video)HUAWEI IdeaHub S2, ES2, S2 Pro, ES2 Pro, and ES2 Plus 24.0 Getting Started 2024-11-08 (Video)HUAWEI IdeaHub B3 and Board 3 23.1 Getting Started 2024-11-08 (Video)HUAWEI Id...
Equipped with a next-generation hardware platform, HUAWEI IdeaHub ES2 Plus provides features such as Galileo's eyes, dual mirroring and control, BYOM. With upgraded HD audiovisual and intelligent capabilities, the product breaks the boundaries of traditional communication and collaboration, making it ...
(Video)HUAWEI IdeaHub S2, ES2, S2 Pro, ES2 Pro, and ES2 Plus 23.1 Getting Started 2024-11-08 (Video)HUAWEI IdeaHub S2, ES2, S2 Pro, ES2 Pro, and ES2 Plus 24.0 Getting Started 2024-11-08 (Video)HUAWEI IdeaHub B3 and Board 3 23.1 Getting Started 2024-11-08 (Video)HUAWEI Id...
HUAWEI IdeaHub ES2 Plus Intelligent Evolution, Limitless Collaboration Equipped with a next-generation hardware platform, HUAWEI IdeaHub ES2 Plus provides features such as Galileo's eyes, dual mirroring and control, BYOM. With upgraded HD audiovisual and intelligent capabilities, the product breaks the...
IdeaHub ES2 Plus还支持未入会跟踪与快速导播功 能。Auto-Framing • 启用未入会跟踪功能后,终端未入会时仍支持使 用智能导播功能。 • 启用快速导播功能后,仅使用广角镜头实现智能 导播功能。 智慧功能 智能音幕在会议中开启智能音幕,可有效减少音幕外噪声...
HUAWEI IdeaHub S2, ES2, S2 Pro, ES2 Pro, ES2 Plus 23.0 玩机精选 本手册中的描述及图示仅供参考,请以实际界面为准。版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司 2024。 保留一切权利。网址:www.huawei.com发布日期:2024-01-25文档版本:03 目录 01 02 03 04 05 06 白板书写 远程会议 投屏 外设 AI 更多...
HUAWEI IdeaHub ES2 Plus视频会议系统 搭载HarmonyOS 4.0和新一代硬件平台,提供伽利略之眼、全场景智能会议、鸿蒙智慧办公等特性。高清音视频和智能体验全面升级,打破沟通协作的边界,适用于总裁办公室、高级会议室等多种场景,满足协同智慧办公需求。 伽利略之眼/h4> ...
作为华为旗下的一款新品,HUAWEI IdeaHub ES2 Plus 智能会议平板电脑受到了广泛关注。这款产品不仅具有出色的性能和功能,还为用户带来了全新的使用体验。一、卓越的性能和功能HUAWEI IdeaHub ES2 Plus 智能会议平板电脑采用了先进的硬件配置和软件技术,为用户提供了卓越的性能和功能。它配备了高性能处理器和大容量内存...
业界首款智能三摄,HUAWEI IdeaHub ES2 Plus 旗舰办公宝 新品开售
·洲明获华为2024年基建优秀合作伙伴·华为携手香港大学建设新一代智慧校园·华为视频会议点亮神火集团新征程·华为IdeaHub开启营地亲子互动新天地·华为签约南通数字经济创新协同项目文章分享 读完本文章,我来发表下看法浏览本文的用户还喜欢 LG 49SE3KB 飞利浦商显 BDL5510XL LG 55wv70 ¥149999Vewell V70-H10L 夏普...