技术支持文档中心智能协作办公宝IdeaHub Series配置调测快速配置指南 HUAWEI IdeaHub B3, Board 3 23.1 快速配置 开机向导 检查升级 屏端配置 附录开机向导 Wi-Fi相关的配置仅适用于支持Wi-Fi功能的终端。 对大屏进行简单的初始配置,完成后即可开始使用大屏。 大屏首次开机或恢复出厂设置后,默认进入开机向导界面。
HUAWEI IdeaHub B3, Board 3 24.0 玩机精选 本手册中的描述及图示仅供参考,请以实际界面为准。 版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司 2024。 保留一切权利。 网址:www.huawei.com 发布日期:2024-09-30 文档版本:01 目录 01 02 03 04 05 06 白板书写 远程会议 投屏 外设 智慧功能 更多 ...
华为IdeaHub Board 3(简称IdeaHub或终端)搭载全新一代高算力硬件平台、HarmonyOS,具备全场景智能会议、分布式智慧办公等特性,可满足于企业常规会议室、经理室、开放区等协同共创、远程会议办公场景,以及数字化教室、远程互动教室、智慧交互教室等场景。 配套专业级4K视频摄像机,真实还原,长时间开会也清晰。 支持Auto-Frami...
华为IdeaHub Board 3(简称IdeaHub或终端)搭载全新一代高算力硬件平台、HarmonyOS,具备全场景智能会议、分布式智慧办公等特性,可满足于企业常规会议室、经理室、开放区等协同共创、远程会议办公场景,以及数字化教室、远程互动教室、智慧交互教室等场景。 配套专业级4K视频摄像机,真实还原,长时间开会也清晰。 支持Auto-Frami...
The IdeaManager device management platform remotely manages and controls multiple IdeaHubs and supports batch configuration, upgrade, and shutdown of 50,000 devices. The IdeaCare supports one-click quick diagnostics of typical faults and troubleshooting. ...
The IdeaManager device management platform remotely manages and controls multiple IdeaHubs and supports batch configuration, upgrade, and shutdown of 50,000 devices. The IdeaCare supports one-click quick diagnostics of typical faults and troubleshooting. ...
At its 2021 Intelligent Collaboration New Product Launch, Huawei today announced the global launch of HUAWEI IdeaHub Board, the industry's first collaboration whiteboard that features optical anti-blue light technology.
【环球网智能综合报道】3月25日,在华为行业数字化转型大会教育分论坛上,华为邀请业内知名专家和嘉宾,以“ICT Transforms Education and Innovates Smart Classrooms”为主题,探讨了ICT技术在现代化教学方面的创新应用,并发布了基于Huawei IdeaHub Board和教育云平台的智慧教室解决方案。
HUAWEI IdeaHub Series offers both 65-inch and 86-inch options. It can be installed on a mobile stand or wall in a variety of environments, including enterprise conference rooms, executive board rooms, open office, and even home office rooms. Its excellent performance and flexible deployment provi...