Default username for Huawei HG8245H:rootCOPY Default password for Huawei HG8245H:adminCOPY Is this not your router model ?Search your router 2.Change Huawei HG8245H Default Login and Password Since security of a network is vital, the first and foremost task is to change the Huawei HG8245H...
光猫后台192.168.100.1 普通账号root 密码admin 超级管理账号名telecomadmin 密码admintelecom 如果光猫没有打开wifi功能,需要电脑通过有线的⽅式进⼊后台。在wan设置连接 点击wan后,进⼊界⾯ 其中连接名称1,2是本来就有的,分别代表⽹络和电话 连接3是新建的,设置如下(其中⽤户,密码为宽带的⽤户...
HUAWEI HG8245H 进入移动宽带光猫后台,通过把光猫设置为主路由,减少一个wifi的使用。 进入移动宽带光猫后台,通过把光猫设置为主路由的概念,修改连接,开启无线,获取网络。 同时,如果加交换机的话,就不用连多一个路由器了。直接通过光猫自动拨号。 光猫后台192.168.100.1 普通账号root 密码admin 超级管理账号名tele...
VoIP configuration problem on Device HG8245HIn the Status> VoIP Information menu, the phone number is correctly configured but on Call Status it is Disconnecting. When we click on "Restart VoIP" button, initially returns to Call Status: "Idle" but immediately after a new call returns to "Dis...
EchoLife HG8245H The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. It uses the GPON technology to implement ultra-broadband access for users. It provides 4 GE+2 POTS+1 USB+1 Wi-Fi(4 GE ports, 2 POTS ports, 1 USB port,and 1 2.4G WiFi ...
EG Series : User name: Epadmin Password: adminEp (EG8245H) HG Series: User name: telecomadmin Password: admintelecom (HG8245H)
EG8247H - 4 2 b / g / n 1 1 HG8245Q - 4 2 a / b / g / n / ac 2 - PoE ONT 30W per port, 60 / 120W per system (4/8 port) EG8040P 4 - - - - EG8080P 8 - - - - EG8240P 4 2 - - - EG8280P 8 2 - - - 10G...
Juniper Root Password Setup Huawei hg8245 admin password Huawei ONT User Password for HG & EG Series ONT Huawei HG8245 Default password Default username and password for Huawei echolife ONT Popular posts: Huawei MA56xx OLT Command Lists Default username and password for Huawei echolife ONT Alcatel...
The config is pretty long but the main thing needed was to allow you to add a new user with super-user privileges or change the root/admin account to have the same access as Get provides themselves. In summary, passwords are hashed using ...
Huawei HG8245H Huawei HG8245A Ports 4*GE+2*POTS+1*USB+WiFi 4*FE+2*POTS+1*USB+WiFi IPv6 Yes Yes, support IPv4/IPv6 dual stack Antenna External Internal Connector SC/UPC SC/UPC Q: What is the difference between Huawei HG8245H and Huawei HG8245? A: Actually they are a...