安装1、3、4号apk——完成后卸载0号apk——然后安装2号apk——回到桌面把通知栏拉下来——等待错误通知——有通知之后打开play商店(如果打不开,一直点重试,或者重启手机)——浏览十几二十秒——把它从后台关掉 设置——应用和服务——应用管理——显示系统进程——搜索google——play商店:强行停止——google账号...
然后,我们将执行Google Services安装过程,单击第一个文件001-Google Play。 在这里,我建议您将Marker保留为“不再询问我”,因为在以后的每次安装中,我们都无需再确认此步骤,并且正如您所看到的,我们要安装7个文件,因此只需速度更快,最后使用“ 允许” 按钮。 现在,所有内容看起来都一样,即我们打开了初始名称为00...
How to install the latest Google Play Services APK: In most cases, Google Play Services updates automatically on its own in the background. In case, if it doesn’t update on its own then you need to manually the latest Google Play Services APK. Here are the steps for the same: ...
Launch the Device ID app and you will notice that the Google Services Framework ID is gone Launch the Google Play Store – At this point some of you might be greeted by an error message asking you to retry. Keep doing this until the app launches without any error messages. This could ta...
我们平时说的谷歌三件套是:谷歌服务框架[Google Services Framework] 、谷歌服务[Google Play Services] ...
Method 1: Download & Install Google Play Store and Google Play Services on your Huawei smartphone via APK files Go to the Huawei/Honor app drawer. Locate theSettingsapp and tap on it. Next, you need to select “Advanced Settings“.
Honor MagicOS 8 is coming and its beta could start soon according to the official Honor beta activity status. Honor is testing Google Play services for the models inside China. Initially, the company selected Magic 5 and Vs2 foldable phones for the beta test and released the corresponding ...
I have somehow managed to download instagram by huawei share and it is currently working on my phone but i thought it would require google play services. Also snapchat doesn't seem to work, does this require google play services? Many thanks...
接着进入『设定』点选『应用程式』选择『应用程式管理』搜寻『Google』之后点选『Google Play 服务』,点选『强制停止』,接着点选『解除安装』 接着利用内建的『档案』管理软体切换到USB 随身碟『GMS』目录当中安装编号『04』这个APK 接着回到桌面点选『Play 商店』您的手机出现『Google Play Services requires an...
Google Mobile Services, GMS Core and Google Play Services Before we attempt to answer what Huawei's alternative does, we need to take a step back and look at what Google's solution did for Android. While Android can be classified as an "open source" OS thanks to the existence of AOSP ...