2:要搞清楚(比较清楚)P40及华为最近两年出的机型安装谷歌套件,本质上跟机型关系不是很大。 3:我们先来搞清楚(大概清楚),华为手机,以P40系列为例,它本质上还是一款安卓手机,不管现在老美科技政策如何,华为其实一直跟着安卓系统在更新自己的手机操作系统,即便是跟谷歌被迫断了联系,它仍然能够通过开源社区获得安卓系统的...
接着点选『Google Play 商店』看是否有出现『DF-DFERH-01』这个错误讯息,如果没有请到进入『设定』点选『应用程式』选择『应用程式管理』,点选右上角『三个点』选择『显示系统除里程序』并搜寻『Google』之后点选『Google 服务架构』,点选『强制停止』再点选『储存空间』并『清除快取』与『删除资料』,并检测是...
这时去设置,用户和账户,里头看到出现谷歌账户的话就是成功了,如下图 6.搞好账户后就去依次安装好 1,2,4,5,6,7 号这 6 个 app。 然后打开 play 商店,看到状态如下图,能显示账号了就是正确,然后直接回桌面 回到桌面,把 HW 安装器卸了,安装 3 号 app,也就是 Google Play 服务。 还面参考视频教学就行...
这时去设置,用户和账户,里头看到出现谷歌账户的话就是成功了,如下图 6.搞好账户后就去依次安装好 1,2,4,5,6,7 号这 6 个 app。 然后打开 play 商店,看到状态如下图,能显示账号了就是正确,然后直接回桌面 回到桌面,把 HW 安装器卸了,安装 3 号 app,也就是 Google Play 服务。 后面参考视频教学就行...
The Huawei P40 Pro boots the EMUI 10.1. It's the latest version of Huawei's skin and it's based on Android 10. It has no Google services and as no access to the Play Store, but we guess that's old news already. Huawei does offer its new proprietary Mobile Services complete with Hu...
2024年12月华为手机鸿蒙4.2和4.3和5系统HarmonyOS 4.2最新版安装谷歌服务框架GMS谷歌应用商店Google Play框架华为mate70 7万 92 3:19 App 鸿蒙卓艺通现在什么臭鱼烂虾都能用,建议提高门槛杜绝小白瞎搞! 3097 2 0:32 App 纪念一下这台刚刚过保的Mate40Pro 20.3万 2888 26:58 App 王者归来?华为Mate70 Pro+...
Stevej, 17 Aug 2020I just switched cell from Samsung Galaxy to Huawei P40 Pro. I copied all the apps from the old... moreI also bought last week a P40 Pro. I have everything I need and I don' really need Google Play Services. There is still life without google. Reply ? Anonymous...
I will not recommend bcoz I bought it and doesn't support Google play services. Second Huawei have its out app gallery where you will not get all the apps. Apps updation issue is there. Third when we are playing some video and there is some message in background in some other app for...
The P40 Pro runs EMUI 10.1 uponAndroid 10out of the box, but can be upgraded toEMUI 11via an OTA update. It may be Android, but remember that Google Play Services, the Google Play Store, and most Google apps are not available. HUAWEI has also promised toupdate the phone to run Harmon...
安装1、3、4号apk——完成后卸载0号apk——然后安装2号apk——回到桌面把通知栏拉下来——等待错误通知——有通知之后打开play商店(如果打不开,一直点重试,或者重启手机)——浏览十几二十秒——把它从后台关掉 设置——应用和服务——应用管理——显示系统进程——搜索google——play商店:强行停止——google账号...