Check whether your mouse is aHUAWEI Bluetooth Mouse (2nd generation) (model: CD23 SE, CD23 SE-C, CD23, or CD23-U)device. If not, pair it by referring toTable 1. Check the mouse model: Check the mouse model on the label on the outer package of the mouse, as shown in Figure 1...
3. 在蓝牙设备上发起蓝牙配对,选择HUAWEI Mouse CD23,根据界面提示完成配对。 4. 短按多设备切换按键,对应的多设备指示灯亮起,然后 长按多设备切换按键3秒,按照以上配对方法依次可配对连接3台蓝牙设备。 鼠标仅支持Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Mac OS 10.10, Android 5.0, Android 4.4.4 及以上系统...
the HUAWEI Bluetooth Mouse Youth Edition CD23 is not only a reliable tool but also an eco-friendly choice. The mouse's user-friendly design ensures that it can be easily paired with your devices, whether it's a Huawei laptop or any other Bluetooth-enabled PC. The mouse on the mayflower...
HUAWEI Rechargeable Wireless Mouse GT Bluetooth Gamer Gaming Mouse Computer Ergonomic Mause With Backlight RGB Mice USB 2.0 2.4GUSD 79.90/piece Original HUAWEI Bluetooth Mouse Youth Edition CD23 Portable Wireless Game Mouse 2nd Generation 1200dpi 2.4GHz TOG Sensor MouseUSD 21.90/piece ...
Original HUAWEI Bluetooth Mouse Youth Edition CD23 Portable Wireless Game Mouse 2nd Generation 1200dpi 2.4GHz TOG Sensor MouseUSD 20.90/piece HUAWEI CD34 Wireless Keyboard 2.5mm High Key Smart Keyboard 3 Device Connected Bluetooth 5.1 for Laptop Tablet Keyboard 84 KeysUSD 199.88/piece ...
3 在蓝牙设备上发起蓝牙配对,选择 HUAWEI Mouse CD23,根据界面提示完成配对。 4 短按多设备切换按键,对应的多设备指示灯亮起,然后长按多设备切换按键 3 秒,按照以上配 对方法依次可配对连接 3 台蓝牙设备。 鼠标仅支持 Microsoft Windows 10,Windows 8.1,macOS 10.10, iOS 13.1, HarmonyOS 2,Android 5.0 及...
Learn about 'Replacing the battery of a HUAWEI mouse'. Find all usage guide, troubleshooting tips and resources for your HUAWEI product.
Blinks red:The battery level of the Bluetooth mouse is low, and the battery needs to be replaced. HUAWEI Bluetooth Mouse (2ndgeneration) (model: CD23 SE, CD23 SE-C) Indicator Status Description Multi-device indicators Blink green quickly:Toggle the power button at the bottom of the Bluetooth...
CD23, CD23-U, CD23 SE, and CD23 SE-C HUAWEI Bluetooth Mouse (2nd generation) Yes 1200 by default, and 4000 at peak Adjustment is only available when the connected HUAWEI computer runs Huawei PC Manager 11.1.6 or later and the supports Pop-up Pairing. WYN HUAWEI Wireless Mouse Yes 120...