HUAWEI 5G CPE Pro 2採用古希臘立柱斜面設計,體積縮小 1/311,輕鬆融入家居環境。按下 H 鍵,還可與 HUAWEI HiLink 智能家居設備免密碼接入。 HUAWEI AI Life APP12 輕鬆管理家居網絡 流量查詢 方便查看已用流量,還可設置每月限額 位置推薦 探測路由當前信號強度,確認更好擺放位置 ...
The Huawei 5G CPE Pro 2 made a very good impression in the test. The device is very fast in both the 5G network and the LTE network and, thanks to WiFi 6, passes the internet connection on to connected end devices just as quickly. Operation is very easy thanks to the stylish app and...
The Huawei 5G CPE Pro 2 made a very good impression in the test. The device is very fast in both the 5G network and the LTE network and, thanks to WiFi 6, passes the internet connection on to connected end devices just as quickly. Operation is very easy thanks to the stylish app and...
The Huawei 5G CPE Pro 2 made a very good impression in the test. The device is very fast in both the 5G network and the LTE network and, thanks to WiFi 6, passes the internet connection on to connected end devices just as quickly. Operation is very easy thanks to the stylish app and...
Conclusion on the Huawei 5G CPE Pro 2 The Huawei 5G CPE Pro 2 made a very good impression in the test. The device is very fast in both the 5G network and the LTE network and, thanks to WiFi 6, passes the internet connection on to connected end devices just as quickly. Operation is...
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华为5G CPE Pro移动路由器是一款旗舰级产品,配备了巴龙5000芯片,支持NSA/SA组网模式,能够兼容4G和5G网络。当你插入5G SIM卡后,可以立即体验到5G无线宽带带来的便捷与快速。除了支持5G网络,这款路由器还配备了两个全千兆网口,支持5G/4G或有线宽带上网。华为凌霄双频Wi-Fi芯片与四颗信号放大器的...
排行 相似 热卖 优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券 详细参数 品牌:华为(HUAWEI)型号:华为(HUAWEI) 5G CPE Pro 2类型:无线路由器 颜色:白色系天线:内置天线网络管理:支持 内置防火墙:是即插即用:支持传输速率:1000Mbps 身边苏宁
Huawei 5G CPE Pro 2 价格更低的 TP-Link Archer AX73 10 TP-Link AX5400 1 Asus ROG Rapture GT-AX6000 2 TP-Link Archer GX90 3 TP-Link Archer AX11000 4 TP-Link Archer BE550 6 Xiaomi Router AX9000 TP-Link Archer AX90 8 TP-Link Archer AXE75 ...
苏宁易购为您提供最全的华为(HUAWEI)5G CPE PRO 2移动路由器 WIFI6 /插卡上网/全千兆网口/H112-372视频介绍、华为(HUAWEI)5G CPE PRO 2移动路由器 WIFI6 /插卡上网/全千兆网口/H112-372功能演示视频等详细信息。想了解更多华为(HUAWEI)5G CPE PRO 2移动路由器 WIFI6 /插卡上